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"I can't wait to have my baby." Hanna said as she snuggled Taj.

"You have five months to go. Did you guys finds out the gender?"

"Yes. I couldn't do one of those gender reveal parties. I needed to know right then." We laughed as she smiled widely. " But we're having a girl."

"Awe! I can't wait to buy stuff for her." I said as I smiled.

"Well be prepared to buy some stuff for a baby boy also." Spencer said. When we looked at her she had a smile on her face.

"You're pregnant too? How did we not notice this?" Hanna asked back to back.

"How far along are you?"

"One question at a time..." Spencer laughed. "Yes Hanna I'm pregnant too. And I guess you haven't noticed because I haven't had morning sickness or weird eating habits." She looked at me with a face that made me laugh. "To answer your question, Ali, I'm almost four months."

"Oh my God, we might have our babies at the same time."

"That's very possible." Spencer said before eating a chunk of watermelon. I looked over at Emily and saw talking to Toby by the grill. She glanced over at me before laughing at whatever Toby was telling her.

"You know, it'll be easier if you just go over there."

"She haven't seen Toby in awhile. I know they have a lot to catch up on."

"Hmmm, seem like you two need to have a conversation... In the bedroom...for a few hours." Hanna said while standing Taj up on her legs. "Ain't that right Stink? Your mommies need to have a lonnnggg conversation." Taj started smiling at Hanna having no clue what's she talking about but started talking in baby language back. Spencer laughed and shook her head.

"Shut up." I mumbled out before getting up. "Are you okay with watching him a little?" Hanna nodded her head.

"Yeah I got him." Hanna said as she bounced him on her legs earning a few giggles from him.

"Okay." I said before walking toward the pool to see Honor and Addison playing.

"Look mommy." Honor said before diving underwater and doing a flip. When she came back up, she was smiling.

"Good job baby. Did mama teach you that?" She shook her head.

"Addie did. Are you getting in?" I shook my head No.

"Not right now I'm gonna go over and talk to uncle Toby and mama okay?"

"But she's right behind you." Addison said pointing. Before I could turn around Emily picked me up and jumped into the pool.

All I heard was the girls laughing when we came up to surface. I rubbed the water from my face before looking at Emily. She was laughing so hard that I couldn't help but laugh with her. She pulled me close to her and kissed my shoulder.

"You're lucky I love you." I said while shaking my head. She just smiled at me and went underwater. Next thing I know I'm being picked up and on her shoulders.

"Em! Put me down now!"

"Ali, calm down babe. I'm not gonna let you get hurt." She said as she patted my thighs before gripping them. I practically melted under her touch. After playing around with her and the kids for awhile Toby yelled out that the food was ready. We all got out of the pool and wrapped large towels around us before walking over to the table.

"What do you want on your plate sweetie?" I asked Honor when she sat. She looked around the table and pointed at the food she wanted. I watched as Caleb placed a plate in front of Hanna and took Taj out of her arms.

"I can take him." Emily said as she rose from her seat but Caleb just shook his head saying it was okay. Addison handed him Taj's bottle and he started to feed him.

"We have to get all the practice we can."

"I think we had enough babe. We did have Honor the most when she was a baby." Hanna said as she ate some vegetables. Caleb nodded his head and looked down at Taj.

"I'm still mad about that." Spencer said as everyone else at the table started laughing. "I mean why did she get Honor more?"

Before we had a chance to answer Pam and Wayne walked into the backyard.

"Hey!" I said as I got up from my seat and hugged them.

"You two are just in time to eat." Emily said as she hugged her parents.

"Sorry we're late, we stopped at a few places and got a few things for our new granddaughter." Pam said as she kissed Addison's forehead and hugged her and Honor and ran over and jumped into Wayne's arms.

"By a few things, she means a lot. The trunk is full Emmy."

"I may have gone a little overboard." Pam said as she shrugged her shoulders. Emily just laughed and sat down at the table. Wayne sat in Honor's seat with her in his arms since she didn't want to get down.

"Remind me to never let Ali and mom shop together."

"Hey!" Pam and I said at the same time. The rest of the dinner went by smoothly and at the end Toby helped Emily clean everything while Spencer and Hanna talked to Pam. Honor had already passed out on Wayne and Addison was holding Taj, getting ready to go inside the house. I stopped at the door and overheard Emily and Toby talking.

"There's nothing to be afraid of Tobes."

"It is Em. There's gonna be a little person that will be depending on me to do everything right when I have no clue what that is right now. I mean, what if the baby doesn't like me? Like what if everything I try to pick them up or whatever they cry?" I heard Emily laugh before I heard what sounded like her smacking him on his back.

"Babies cry dummy. Damn I thought Caleb would be the one stressing. As for you not knowing what to do... You'll be doing the same thing you did when you kept Honor. Only full time now." She laughed a little. "If you ask Ali, I was the same way when she was pregnant with Honor. Scared shitless. I had no idea how to hold a baby, let alone take care of one, but I had my mom and she taught me a lot of stuff and when Ali had her all that fear I had of not knowing what to do, just went away that first night I held her. You're gonna be a great dad Tobes."

"Thanks Em." I slowly moved away from the door and almost ran into Pam. She had a knowingly smirk on her face.

"I do the same to Wayne sometimes when I catch him talking about our life to his friends. As though I need the reassurance sometimes." I nodded my head because even though I know that Emily loves me, it is nice to hear her talk about it to others. I cleared my throat before speaking.

"Are y'all still staying over? We fixed up the guest house. By fixing up, I mean Emily practically scrubbed it from top to bottom." Pam threw her head back and laughed.

"Yes. We'll be here for a few days if that's alright."

"Of course it is. Do you need help bringing your bags in?"

"No sweetie. I'm sure Wayne can manage. I'm just ready to spend time with my babies." I smiled. Just then I felt someone hug me from behind. When I turned around I saw it was Spencer.

"We have to do this more often. Feels like we haven't seen each other in forever."

"I know. I've been busy with the kids and then we had the adoption. How about we get together later this week, for a lunch date." She smiled and nodded her head.

"Sounds good." She said before Toby walked over to us.

"Ready to go home?" He asked and Spencer nodded her head before giving Pam a hug goodbye. We said our goodbyes and they walked away. Caleb and Hanna left about thirty minutes after. Pam and Wayne settled into the guest house, the kids decided they wanted to sleep there tonight as well.

I was currently laying on the bed scrolling through instagram when Emily pulled the phone out of my hands and placed it on the nightstand before taking my hands and pulling me up.

"Let's shower and watch something."

"Okay." I said as I smiled at her.

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