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Ali's POV

You have reached your destination. I heard the GPS say and I looked over at Emily. She took the keys out of the ignition and looked at me. We both smiled at each other before getting out of the car. I opened the back seat and unbuckled Honor's car seat. I threw her diaper bag over my shoulder and picked up her carseat,when I turned around Emily took the car seat.

"I got her babe. Just carry the diaper bag." she said as we began to walk up the stairs to the front door. I knocked on the door three times and waited for the person to answer.

"Mom!" I yelled as she opened the door. She pulled me toward her and hugged me tightly. "I missed you so much Ali." She whispered. "I missed you too mom."

"Sorry that we can't get out here as much as we want Mrs.Dilaurentis." Emily said.

"Come on in so I can see my beautiful granddaughter." I rolled my eyes as we walked into the house.

Emily put the car seat down next to the couch. Once she unbuckled Honor she started kicking her feet and whining a little. "She hates that thing." I said as I watched Em pick her up causing Honor to stop whining immediately "She only enjoy the car rides." Emily said while bouncing Honor a little.

"She's just how Alison were when she was a baby." Mom spoke up as she walked over to Emily. "Come to Nana, Honor."

"You do know that she's going to grow up calling you grandma right mom?" When I said that word my mom glared at me a little. "I still have to get used to that word. Honestly, I thought Jason would be the first to give us a grandchild." I smiled at her.

"Where's dad?" I looked around as I expected him to come out of his office.

"Your father is on his way home as we speak." She said as she kissed Honor's forehead. "Nana have to finish cooking Honor. I promise I'll get you later. Can you help me Ali?" I nodded my head. She handed Honor to Emily and walked toward the kitchen. I walked over to Em.

"I'll see you a little later." I said as I pouted. Emily laughed

"You make it seem like you're going out of town baby." I walked closer to her and kissed Honor's cheek and looked at Emily and kissed her. "I'll bring you something to eat, okay?" She nodded her head and sat down on the couch and started playing with Honor. I walked into the kitchen.

"So what are we doing Mom?" I asked as i walked up to her.

"Well everything is pretty much done. I just wanted to talk to you for a bit."

"About what?"

"Just things. My granddaughter. You and Emily. How are you two doing?"

"We're doing good. Better than good actually." i said while smiling. She turned her head and looked at me. "What's been going on?" she asked as she cut some tomatoes to put in the salad.

"Oh, you know, the usual...changing diapers, making bottles. Not sleeping. Doctors appointments...getting engaged..." Once I said that she whipped around and looked at me.

"You want to repeat that?" she raised an eyebrow at me.

"Which part...the part about the dirty diapers or the not sleeping?" I acted as though i didn't know what she was talking about.

"No Alison." She rolled her eyes. "The part about you getting engaged."

"We got engaged almost two months ago." That caused my mother to raised her eyebrows at me.

"Why haven't you told me or your father?"

"We haven't told anyone mom. Well the girls know."

"Of course they do. I'm happy that she finally asked you."

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