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"Em, hurry up!" I yelled up stairs.

"Ali you do this every ultrasound. We are not going to be late." She said as she reached the bottom of the stairs. She kissed my forehead before smiling at me. Are you excited to find out what we're having? Cause I am." I couldn't help but smile back at her.

"Yes, i'm excited. I feel it's going to be another girl."

"Whatever we have, we're blessed and so lucky." She put her hand on my stomach and smiled at me. I couldn't help but smile back at her. She grabbed her car keys off the table. "Ready?" I nodded my head.

20 mins Later

I was sitting on the exam table talking to Emily when Dr. Mitchell walked in.

"Alright are you two ready to find out the gender?"

"Yes." We both said at the same time. I laid back on the exam table and pulled my shirt up so my stomach is showing. Emily put her hand on my shoulder.

I felt the cool gel on my lower stomach before Dr, Mitchell placed the transducer (Ultrasound wand) on my stomach. The room filled with the sound of our baby's heartbeat. I looked up at Emily and saw that she was smiling as she stared at the monitor. I looked at the monitor and smiled.

"She's gotten bigger since a month ago." I spoke up.

"Strong heartbeat. Weight is around the recommended area." She moved the wand a little. "And it looks She is actually an He. I snapped my head toward Emily and she bent down and kissed my forehead.

"Your pregnancy is going amazingly well, Alison." I smiled.

"Thank you Doctor."

"I went ahead and printed out pictures. Stop at the front desk and pick them up and receive information for your next appointment." She handed a towel to Emily and turned the lights back on. Emily started cleaning the gel off my stomach.

"I can't believe we're having a son." She gushed. I smiled back at her as I raised up on the table.

"I know. I thought for sure that we were going to have another little girl."

"We gonna have a daughter and a son. I can't wait to tell my parents, and the girls." We walked out of the exam room and stopped at the front desk before leaving.

I'm going to stop here. Going to start doing shorter parts. That way I can upload more.

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