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I opened my eyes to the sun shining through the blinds. Well, at least I know Ali's awake. I stretched a little before getting out of the bed and waking into the bathroom. I heard Ali singing in the showing a small smile crept on my face. I slowly opened the shower door and saw that her back was to it. I took off my shirt and stepped in the shower with her. I put my hand on her shoulder and lightly kissed her neck.

"Good morning Mrs. Fields." I kissed her neck again. She turned around, smiling and wrapped her arms around my neck.

"Good morning. How are you awake this early?"

"I felt you weren't next to me. Plus, the sun was shining in my face."

"I'm sorry baby. I didn't think of anything when I opened the blinds before I came in here... " I kissed her to shut her up.

"Mmm.." She moaned into my mouth as she deepened the kiss. I backed her into the shower wall and ran my hand down her side before stopping between her legs.

"Hey! The only thing that's getting steamy in that shower better be the damn water!" Hanna yelled from the bathroom door. Ali pulled back and smiled at me. I took the towel from her and put some soap on it.

"Turn around." when she did I washed her back. Once I was done she turned around and kissed me.

"I'll see you when you get out."

"I thought you were gonna stay in the shower with me." I said as I pouted. She giggled a little.

"I have to get dressed. Hopefully Spencer already made breakfast."

"I'll be out in a few. Love you."

"Love you too." she slid the door open and wrapped a towel around herself. I grabbed a washcloth from off the rack and showered.

Once I got out of the shower I dried off and slipped into a pair of jeans and a shirt. I walked out of the room and down the stairs to the kitchen.

"Babe, want some?" I looked over at ali and saw that she had some pancakes with a few strips of bacon. I opened my mouth and she put some bacon in it.

"Thank you baby. Have you seen my shoes?"

"The black and white Jordans?" When I nodded my head she smiled.

"They're in Honor's room. She was playing with them again."

"You don't think she drew on them like she did the last pair, do you?" She shrugged her shoulders.

"There's a 50/50 chance for that. You have to go see."

I ran up the stairs and walked into Honor's room to find my shoes sitting by the bed. Well at least she didn't draw on them.I put them on and left the room.

"Ready to go to the mall?" I asked and Hanna jumped up.

"I am, you gonna buy me something, Em?"

"What? You make a lot of money selling the clothes you and Ali design."

"Ali makes a lot of money too and you're going to buy her something."

"That's because she's my wife." I laughed. She started pouting.

"What do you want Han?

"This new Fendi belt bag."

I shook my head. "Hell no. You better call Caleb and have him give you that credit card. That bag is over a thousand dollars."

"Well it's $1,290."

"The answer is still 'No'. I'm sorry Han but I have to get Honor some stuff and then buy some more things for the baby's room." I looked at her then smiled. "But i can get you a cheaper purse. Something not as expensive." She smiled and nodded her head.


"Yes. Is everyone ready to go?" I turned around and walked over to Ali.


"Em, can you please help me with these?"

"Alright." I got up from the couch and walked into the kitchen.

"You know they could have just got their own drinks and food baby. They been in this house plenty of times to know where the kitchen is."

"Besides we don't want you straining yourself." Hanna walked in the kitchen and took the tray from Ali and walked out of the kitchen.

"How is carrying a tray of food straining?" Ali huffed out irritated. I pretended to cough to keep from laughing until she hit my arm. When I looked at her she pouted and stuck her bottom lip out.

"Awe come here baby." I pulled her to much and kissed her forehead. When I tried to kiss her lips she turned her head.

"So I can't get a kiss?"

"Nope. That's for laughing."

"I'm sorry baby." I leaned down and nuzzled my nose in the crook of her neck before kissing it. "Can I please get a kiss?" I asked in between of kisses. I smiled against her neck when she moaned a little.

"Em..." She breathed out. I raised up and looked at her. Next thing I knew she kissed me. I backed her into the counter paying close attention to her growing belly. I put my hands on the back of her thighs and lifted her up and sat her down on the countertop. When we about to kiss again Hanna walked into the kitchen and immediately put her hands over her eyes.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry..." Ali started laughing and jumped off the counter.

"Stop over exaggerating Han. We still had clothes on." I laughed.

"Ugh how many times have you been sexual active on that counter?"

"Do you really want to know?" Ali asked. It took only a second for hanna to think about before she shook her head 'No'.

"Hope you two sanitize." She said as she walked out of the kitchen.

"Of course we do." We both yelled out as we walked into the living room with her.

"Of course you do what?" Spencer asked.

Before I could say anything Hanna spoke up. "They were about to fuck in the kitchen."

Ali started laughing. "Oh my god we still had clothes on so we didn't get very far." Spencer and Aria just laughed.

"What, this would've been your first time catching them in the act?" Spencer and Aria giggled.

"Wait, you guys have?" Hanna asked as her eyes bucked.

"Plenty of times. I come over the most and a lot of times the visits are unannounced, so when I walk in their either in the kitchen on living room."

"Well I've only walked in on them three times. That's when I was staying here." Aria said while shaking her head.

"Can we just start the movie?" Hanna spoke up. Spencer pressed play on the remote and Ali curled up against me. I put my hand under her shirt and started rubbing her stomach.

I don't think that 20 minutes passed when I heard Ali softly snoring with her head on my shoulder. I shifted a little so her head could lay on my chest. She opened her eyes briefly before smiling a little and closing her eyes again. I put my hand under her shirt and started rubbing her stomach.

"You could just take her to bed, Em. So she could be comfortable." Aria whispered.

"Yeah I will. We have to go see the doctor tomorrow."

"Everything's okay?"

"Yeah. Just checking on the baby. Making sure everything is going well." I tapped Ali's shoulder until she opened her eyes.

"Let's go to bed."

"No I want to watch the movie." I laughed a little.

"Ali you fell asleep before the movie really started." Spencer said with her eyes still on the tv.

"Em can't you just lay down here that way I can lay on the side of you."

"Sure, get up for a second." When she got up i stretched out on the couch and she laid next to me and put her face in the crook of my neck. I put my hand on her stomach and watched the movie.

After Everythingحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن