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"Mama?" I turned around and looked at Honor.

"Yes baby girl?"

"Can we swim for a little bit. Pleeeeeasssssssssssseeee?" I couldn't help but chuckling a little.

"Did you pick up all of your toys and put them away? She nodded her head.


"Okay we can. Just for a little while because we have to take Mommy food."

"Yay!" She took off toward the stairs. I laughed as I followed her up the stairs to her room. I smiled big when I saw that her toys wasn't sprawled across the floor. I can't begin to tell you how many times I stubbed my toe on one of her toys that she left laying in the middle of the floor.

"Let's get you in your bathing suit."

Once she had that on we headed back downstairs and I opened the sliding doors leading to the backyard. I put my phone down on the table and took my jeans and shirt off and jumped into the pool with Honor.We splashed around for about an hour before I heard my phone ringing. I got out of the pool and dried my hands before answering the facetime call.

"Hey babe." I said smiling when I saw her face. I sat down on the lounge chair and looked at Honor swimming.

"Hey, what are you two doing?" She said smiling.

"Honor wanted to swim, so here we are."

"Definitely a mini you." I smiled a little.

"How are things going there?"

"Oh my god. Don't get me started on that. I finally gotten the design drawn out. I have to do a live stream soon because Hanna decided we should do that type of thing. I mean we get enough business as it is..."

"Babe breathe...Calm down." She took a deep breath. I took a quick glance toward the pool and saw Honor walking over to me.

"Come say 'Hi' to Mommy Honor." Honor stood beside me and smiled at the phone. Ali's eyes lit up when she saw her.

"Hi Mommy."

"Hi baby. How are you doing?"

"Good. Mama said I could swim."

"How about you two come keep me company?"

"That sounds good. I'll bring some food so you can take a break. Honor, why don't you go get dressed while I do."

"Okay." She ran inside.

"No running." I yelled out and she slowed down her pace. I don't want her to fall or anything. "Babe, let me get dressed. We'll be there in like 30 minutes."

"Okay, I love you." I smiled.

"I love you too." She ended the call and I headed upstairs to get dressed.

30 minutes later.

"Hey Han." I walked up to Hanna and hugged her.

"Hey, what are you two doing here?" She asked as she leaned down and hugged Honor.

"The Mrs. called and requested our presence so we're here. Where is she."

"She's in there." Hanna pointed toward the fabric room.

"Alright. Before I forget, here you go." I took out two trays of food and sat it on her desk.

"Oh my god. Thank you. I was starving and before you ask, yes I already ate something else." I just shook my head and laughed. I walked toward the fabric room and Ali was talking while holding her phone up. I stood in the doorway and just watched. I'm happy that she's finally doing something she loves to do. After a few minutes of talking about future plans and stuff she ended the video and turned around.

"Safe to come in?"

"You didn't have to just stand there baby." I walked up to her and kissed her cheek. "Where's Honor?"

"With Hanna. She'll most likely eat with her." Ali nodded her head.

"Yeah she will. What did you bring?"

"A greek salad and chipotle."

"Come on." We walked into her office and sat down on the couch. I placed the bag on the table and Ali sat next to me. I noticed she rubbed her neck a little before I handed her a plate with some salad on it. "Thank you baby."

"You're welcome. Can I eat with you?" She held the fork full of salad up to my lips. I ate it.

"Thank you. Had a long day?"

"You can tell?"

"How about we go home? I can run you a hot bath." She nodded her head while chewing.

"That sounds so good."

Just as we were about to finish our food Hanna walked into the office with Honor.

"My baby!" Ali exclaimed as she put down her fork and held her arms out. Honor ran over to her and hugged her.

"Hi mommy." she said while smiling.

"I missed you today." I smiled as I watched them have their own little conversation about Honor's day.

"Is it okay if we keep her tonight?" Hanna asked and Ali looked at me. Her face must have mirrored my shocked expression.

"When did you ever ask?" Ali asked while laughing a little.

"Can I stay over Aunt Hanna and Uncle Caleb house mommy?" Ali look at Honor and I knew the answer before she spoke it.

"Sure baby. You make sure you be a good girl, okay?" Honor nodded her head.

"I will." She then hugged me and hugged Ali.

"Come on princess. I can't wait to show you the clothes and shoes I got you." I shook my head.

She's super spoiled.

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