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"Hello?" I answered my phone as I yawned.

I heard sobs on the other end. "A-Ali?" Spencer said in a whisper.

"Spencer, what's wrong?" I asked as I sat up, suddenly wide awake.

"Ali, you need to come to the hospital - right now." She sad while crying.

"Why, What happened?" I said as I got out of bed.

"It's best that  you get here first."

"I'm on my way." I ended the call and hurriedly put on a pair of baggy sweats and a loose sweater. I slipped on my UGG boots, grabbed my car keys and phone and rushed out of the door. I sped to the hospital.

I ran into the hospital and when I turned the corner to the waiting room I saw Spencer standing against the wall with tears running down her cheeks.

As I got closer, I saw Hanna and Aria and the Fields'? Where's Emily? - I thought to myself.

"Spencer?" I called out to her nervously.

"Ali." She rushed over to me and hugged me tightly. "Let me talk to you for a minute." She said while trying to pull me out of the waiting room.

"No!" I snatched my arm away from her. She turned around and looked at me. "Where's Emily? I asked as I looked around, waiting for her to come around the corner.

Tears filled Spencer's eyes as she held her head down. " She was in a car accident tonight. The driver of the other vehicle was drunk... " Her words started to drown out as I sank to the floor. It felt like my heart stopped.

I didn't want to ask what was in my head but I knew I needed to know. "Is she d-dead?" I stuttered as tears fell from my eyes.

"No. They rushed her to the back. She was hurt awfully bad. She needed to have surgery and they also going to run some tests. That's all we know for now." she put her hand on my shoulder. "Em's a fighter. She's gonna pull through this."

I put my head in my hands and cried. A few seconds passed before I felt hands on my back. "It's going to be okay, Alison." I heard Mrs. Fields say. I moved my hands from my face and looked at her before wrapping my arms around her. I started crying while she rubbed my back.

"Emmy's a strong girl. She'll be okay. We just have to believe..." She whispered in my ear. I don't know if she was trying to convince me or herself. 


I looked at Emily and sighed as she laid in the hospital bed. It's been two weeks and still nothing. She hit her head awfully hard in the crash.  They checked to make sure her skull wasn't fractured and everything seems normal. They're just waiting for her to wake up. It just takes time - that's what the doctor says. She also has badly bruised ribs. I walked up to her bed and pulled up a chair. Once I sat down, I held her hand in mine . I stared at her as I rubbed my thumb against her skin. "Em, you have to wake up. We all want you to wake up. I want... I need you to wake up." I stood up from the chair and kissed her forehead. I sat back down, laid my head on her bed and closed my eyes.

I felt a hand in my hair. "Spencer, I told you I'm not leaving her." I said with my eyes still closed. As I was falling back to sleep, I felt the same movement. I opened my eyes and looked at Emily, who was looking back at me weakly.

"Emily!" I jumped up from the chair and pressed the red button by her bed. I stood over her, running my fingers through her hair.

"I was so afraid I was going to lose you." I said as I rubbed her hair.

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