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Ali's POV

One Week Later

I woke up and looked over at the clock. It was only three in the morning. I heard light snores coming from Emily and smiled. She had her arm protectively across my stomach, her hand twitched slightly when Taj (YES I changed the name of the baby AGAIN.) kicked before she rubbed her hand across my stomach. I turned on my side, facing her and begin blindly tracing her face in the dark.

"Als..." Emily mumbled while moving her head a little. I heard her sigh. "Why are you awake? Are you okay?" I felt her hand on my back.

"I'm fine baby. Just.. I just wanted to be closer to you." I put my forehead against her shoulder.

"Awe. My baby." She cooed as she rubbed my back and I smiled. "Our baby boy about to come." I raised my head and looked at her.

"Why you say that?" She rubbed her eyes.

"You remember how you were when Honor was about to be born. You even cried when I had to go." I thought back to that time. I was always under Em. Like I wanted it be cuddled with her all the time. That's why when she left to work on the house I was mad at her.

"Well you should've never left." I pouted. She let out a raspy laugh.

"Don't worry, I don't have anywhere to go this time." She then looked over my shoulder at the time. "Happy anniversary baby." She kissed my shoulder then lips.

"Happy anniversary." I smiled then kissed her back. Slowly she started pushing me onto my back. "I thought you were tired." I smirked at her.

"I was, but now I'm awake." She said before she started kissing my neck. "Are you okay on your back?"

"Yeah, why?"

"I wanted to make sure that you were comfortable before I do this." I didn't have a chance to ask what before I felt her start kissing down my body. I forgot to breathe when she kissed my inner thighs. I threw my head back and moaned loudly when she licked the length of my center. I felt her pull away.

"Shhh... The girls are sleeping." She whispered loudly.

"They can't hear us."

"Em please..." I whined out when she didn't make an attempt to keep going. She smirked and positioned her face between my legs. I felt her slowly slide two fingers into me before she latched her mouth onto me.


I felt the sun on my face before I ever opened my eyes. I cuddled into Ali and kissed her neck. She stirred in her sleep before opening her eyes. She put her hand up and rubbed her hand through my hair before looking over at the time.

"Shit we have to get up." She mumbled under her breath before sitting up in bed.

"Why?" I asked.

"Em, it's almost Noon. Honor needs to eat and..."

"I'm pretty sure Honor ate already otherwise she would've busted through our bedroom door earlier. You already know how she is about her food. So calm down. Let's take a shower. Then we can all go out to eat. If their still hungry..." I stated while getting out of bed. I went in the bathroom and got the shower to the right temperature before walking back into the bedroom. I reached for Ali and she smiled before taking me hand and I led us to the bathroom.

15 minutes later

"Addie made me breakfast Mommy." Honor smiled up at me. I pretended to be surprised.

"She did? What did she make you?"


"It was all she wanted." Addison spoke up from the living room. I laughed a little before answering back.

"It's okay sweetie." I said while walking into the living room. "We're going to Denny's, are you still hungry?" I asked them and they both nodded their heads.

"Y'all go put on your shoes. We'll be leaving as soon as Emily's ready." I smiled as the took off back up the stairs.

"Stop running." I heard Emily say and shook my head. I walked in the kitchen and got a water bottle out of the fridge before taking my vitamins. When I turned around Emily was leaning on the door frame looking at me.

"What?" I asked, smiling a little. She shook her head.

"Nothing. I'm just admiring you. Can't I do that?" I walked over to her and she put her hands on either side of my stomach.

"Of course love." I kissed her. When I pulled back she was smiling.

"I love you so much." She said while looking in my eyes.

"I love you too baby." I kissed her again just before we heard footsteps. Emily turned around and smiled cause Addison was holding Honor.

"Are you guys ready?" The both nodded their heads. "I have a surprise for you Addison."

"You do?" Emily looked over at me and we smiled at each other.

"Yes. After we eat, we can go get it. Then we'll have to get ready for the party."

"I can go to the party too mama?" Honor asked Emily.

"Yes you can big girl but you're leaving with grandma and papa." She smiled big. "Addison you'll be going to the party also. But you'll be leaving with Aria and Jason." Addison said okay.

"But I want to be with Addie!" Honor whined out before hugging Addison. "Okay, we'll see if grandma and papa say it's okay. Is everyone ready?"

"Yup." we all said at once. Emily grabbed her keys by the door. Addison buckled Honor up in her booster seat before getting in the backseat. Emily opened my door and made sure I got comfortable before she got in the car and helped me put my seat belt on. Before starting the car and driving out of the driveway.

When we made it to Dennys it was too late for breakfast so we just ordered lunch. I ordered Honor chicken tenders and sweet potato fries with a blueberry lemonade. Emily and I ordered a double cheeseburger and waffle fries. We also got a salad to share. Addison ordered a bacon avocado cheeseburger with sweet potato fries.


We been driving for about twenty minutes now, when Emily turned down the radio.

"You ready for your surprise Addison?"

"Yes." Emily drove into the Apple store parking lot and parked in a spot. When Addison noticed where we were. She gasped.

"You don't have to do this. I could save up for a phone with the job Ms Aria gave me."

"Well you could save up for part of the bill. You're a teenager, you need a phone so you could call either of us when you need to. Come on." We got out of the car with Emily holding Honor. I checked the time as we walked into the store. It was only 1:30pm. I looked around at the phones and saw the new XR and saw they finally had Coral colorway back in.

"Isn't that the color you wanted baby?" Emily said behind me. I nodded my head. Addison was looking at the yellow one.

"Sir." She called the guy over.

"How may I help you?"

"I would like 3 XRs please. Coral, Yellow and Red."

"Okay, come up to the counter please." He went in the back and came out with three boxes.  "Will that be all ma'am? " He asked Emily.

"That's all." She said.

"It's gonna come up to $2,400. That's without insurance."

"I would like insurance on them."

"Okay. That will be $2,485." Emily handed him her card for him to swipe. He handed the card back to her and placed the phones in a bag along with the receipt.

"Thank you." Emily said as she took the bag. She looked at the time. "We have to get home so you can do Honor's hair for the party."

I'm going to end it here and next part will definitely be the anniversary party.

I hope this part is not too bad...

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