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The Next Morning


"I love you so much." Emily whispered between kisses. I bit my lip when she started kissing my neck.

"I love you too." I barely got out before moaning out loud as she sucked on my spot below my ear. "We can do more of what we did last night." Emily raised her head and perked up an eyebrow.

"Really?" I bit my lip and nodded my head. She raised up and got off of the bed. I looked at her confused as she held her hands out to me when she got on my side. "In the shower. That way you could be more comfortable than you were last night."

When I made the I don't know what you are talking about face she leaned down and kissed me. "Don't act like I didn't notice."

"Okay fine. I was uncomfortable on my back,but it's only cause of the baby. But I definitely was more comfortable after I came. Three times..." I emphasized by holding up three fingers while I turned my back toward her and started walking into the bathroom. I squealed when she grabbed my butt and squeezed it.

"This time I'm gonna make you cum five times." She whispered in my ear before smacking my butt. She reached down and started the shower and pulled me in with her.


"Babe?" I asked Em as I played with her wet hair.


"What did you mean last night... When you told Toby that you can't believe that you're married to me?"

"I didn't mean anything bad about it baby."

"I know, you told me that already. I just want to know what you meant." She took a deep breath before talking.

"I meant that at times I still can't believe that you finally chose me. I thought that I would be on the outside looking in with you all my life. When I was younger, if someone would have told me that I would be married to Alison DiLaurentis and we would have two kids, I probably would've laughed in their face. I've been in love with you since I was fourteen, when I kissed you in the library, but you didn't feel the same..."

"I did feel the same. I was just scared of what everyone would think."

"You were scared that you would lose your title as the 'Queen B' of the school."

"If we could go back in time, I would've told you that I loved you in the library after our kiss. I really wanted to tell you that after that kiss. I would've taken you to the kissing rock while we were at the lake, instead of waiting until that night. Everyone at school would've known how much I love you. Especially..."

"Don't say her name." Emily said while putting a finger on my lips to stop me from talking.


"Cause our baby is still in you." I laughed. "I don't want him with any of her characteristics"

"Okay. I won't say her name, but she would've definitely known you were mine from the start." I thought for a minute. "But if I would've done that, we wouldn't have Honor."

"I can't imagine my life without her." Emily whispered.

"Me either. In a way, she brought us together."

"Yeah." Emily smiled sleepily. "She did, but I would've stayed regardless. If you weren't pregnant then and you would have told me you loved me I would've stayed."

"Really? You kinda blew up when I told you that I loved you at your parents party."

"I think I was just frustrated that it took all that time to tell me." She yawned out. I kissed her neck before laying my head on her chest.

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