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-Emily's POV-

When I opened my eyes I saw Ali asleep in the chair beside my bed. The doctor walked into the room.

"Hello, Ms Fields. How are we feeling today?"

"I'm Okay... Better than yesterday. " I looked up at him.

"You know, she's stayed here every night since you've been in here." He pointed to Ali

"She did?"

"Yes. We normally don't allow it, but after your surgery she was so hysterical that it was the only thing that calmed her down. "

"When can I go home?" I asked him as he checked the cut on my head.

"If the tests look good then you can be released tomorrow morning."

"Okay good, Cause I hate hospital food." I said while making a face

He laughed "Hey it's not that bad."

"Have you tried it?"

"Well..." He scratched his head.

"Exactly." I laughed a little before holding my side.

Ali mumbled something in her sleep and I looked at her.

"Press the button if you need anything. The pain medication will take affect soon"

"Okay Doc." He walked out the room

I looked at Ali and squeezed her hand. She slowly opened her eyes and looked at me.

"Hey. How are you feeling?" She asked me while stretching.

"I'm better than yesterday. The doctor just gave me some pain medicine. " I said while smiling at her.

She shook her head and laughed a little.


"Yeah, Em?" She looked at me

"Umm... I really need to go to the bathroom."

"You need help?" She asked while standing up.

"Only with getting out of bed."

She grabbed both of my hands and helped me out of bed. I made my way to the restroom and did my business. When I came out, Ali was looking at something on her phone. When she saw me she stood up and reached for my hand. She helped me get back in bed. I had a sharp pain and held my side.

"Is everything okay?" She asked while looking at me.

"Yeah. It's just my ribs. The doctor said that I probably can go home tomorrow morning. You know, if the tests come back good." I looked at her smiling.

"Where are you staying?" She asked me.

"Spencer's, but I don't want to be a bother to her. I might just stay at my parents'."

"Well, you can stay with me. I mean, I don't really do anything so I can take care of you." She raised her eyebrows at me.

"Ali, you're pregnant. You don't need that type of stress..."

"It's not stress. I promise. I would love for you to stay with me, that way I would know you're okay." She cut me off.

I looked at her for a minute. "The doctor told me that you've been here every night since I've been here."

"I had to make sure you were okay. I didn't want you to wake up and be alone."

"Awe!" I said while smiling at her.

"Shut up!" She blushed

I started to get drowsy. "Ali. The medicine is kicking in."

"Then get some rest." She sat in the chair.

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