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“What do you mean she’s in love with her?” Alison asked as she raised into a sitting position. I laughed a little as I ran my hand down her arm.

“Calm down Mama Bear. Okay so maybe she's not 'in love' but she does have a little crush on Jocelyn.”

“No No No No No. There’s no way she has a crush on her.” She said as a short laugh escaped her lips.

“And why not?”

“Because this is the same girl that cant choose what to eat some days.”

“Soo?” I said with a confused look on my face.

“Soo...How the hell can she have a crush on someone when she can't decide between burgers and pizza?”

“Wait, I'm confused…How the hell does choosing between certain foods compare to being in 'strong like' with someone?" I asked as I did air quotes with my fingers. She started snickering.

“Did you really just use the term, 'strong like'?" She asked before bursting out laughing.

“Well hell I couldn't say ‘In love”. So I had to go with something.” She just kept laughing. “Stop laughing at me!” I said as I folded my arms over my chest.

“Awe, I'm sorry baby.” She said before kissing my cheek. “But to answer your question...it has everything to do with it.”


“Well think about it...if you can't choose between two simple things, how will you know who you like or don't like in that way?”

“Babe, I never thought I would say this… but I think Hanna is rubbing off on you.” She gasped and hit my shoulder as I laughed.

“Hey, it makes sense, but come on.” She said as she got off the hammock.


“Let's just ask her.” She was about to walk off when I grabbed her arm.

“Let's just observe them over dinner.”

“Fine, but i'm going inside. I'ma make some lunch for the kids before I start working on these designs." She reached for my hand and I placed mine in hers as she 'helped' me from the hammock.

"What are you making?"

"Umm I don't know yet. It'll hit me once I'm in the kitchen." I watched the sway of her hips as she walked toward the sliding doors. Once inside, I noticed Honor was standing on the countertop while looking in the snack cabinet. I walked over to her and scooped her up. "Caught you!" I said before I started tickling her,

"Mom! Save me!" Honor yelled out while reaching her arms out to Ali. Ali laughed while getting some things out of the refrigerator.

"Sorry baby girl. Can't save the snack bandit. We need justice." I laughed as I put Honor down and handed her a snack-sized bag of pretzels before she ran into the living room. I peeked into the living room and saw Addison holding Taj while he held his bottle to his mouth with one hand and his foot with the other.

"Babe… did you hear me?" I turned toward Alison and narrowed my eyes.

"What did you say?"

"Can you get this bowl down for me please?" She asked as she pointed to the wooden bowl on the top shelf. I shook my head as I walked up behind her, reached up and grabbed the bowl for her. I placed the bowl on top of the counter for her. "Thank you baby." She said, kissing my cheek before she started chopping up vegetables.

"You're welcome."

"So… are you going to the bar?" She said as she looked over her shoulder for a second before focusing on the salad.

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