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"So why did you have to buy these clothes again?" Hanna asked as she put the car in park in the driveway.

"I don't know but it has to be for a good reason. So I guess I'll find out once I get in the house." I unbuckled the seat belt and got out of the car. Hanna came around and grabbed bags from the backseat of her shopping escapade for Honor and Avery.

"I told you not to buy that much stuff." I said as she struggled up to the door.

"I didn't even buy that much." I looked over at her and shook my head as I opened the door. I put my keys on the table by the door and walked into the living room. I spotted Emily first, sitting on the couch and talking a young girl whose back was facing the entryway. Emily looked up when she noticed I was in the living room. She got off the couch and walked toward me.

"Hey." She smiled before she gave me a kiss. I murmured a Hey against her lips. "I will explain everything a little later, but for now, this is Addison." The girl turned her head when she heard her name and her eyes widened.

"Addison this is my wife..."

"You're Alison Fields." She said as her her mouth gaped open. I smiled at her.

"Yes. Nice to meet you Addison." I reached out and shook her hand. I noticed that she was wearing one of Emily's outfits. I glanced over at Emily and saw that she was smiling at us. Hanna then walked in the living room with a bowl of chips in her hand. I heard Addison gasp.

"And you're Hanna Marin." She squealed out. I heard Emily laugh a little beside me.

"That I am." Hanna mumbled out with chips in her mouth. I shook my head a little. She put the bowl down on the table and hurried and chewed the chips before smiling shook Addison's hand. "It's nice to meet you Addison." Addison smiled big.

"Nice to meet you too. Both of you." She gushed.

"This is most I've heard you talk today." Emily said to her as she smiled at her. "Babe do you have a lot of bags?" She said as she turned toward me. I nodded my head and she smiled.

"Of course you do. I don't know why I even asked. I'll be back in a minute." She walked out of the living room and left Hanna and me with Addison.

"So how do you know us?"

"You're joking right? You two are 2nd most successful fashion designers out. I follow your fashion account on Instagram. I couldn't find the personals but I understand why they're hidden."

"Have to keep our private lives private." Hanna spoke as she shoved more chips in her mouth.

"So fashion is your thing?"

"Not much anymore. I like photography more and I love swimming."

"Photography is Aria's thing."

"Whose Aria?"

"She's one of our best friends. She loves photography. She took most of the pictures that around the house."

"Cool. Can I look at them?"

"Yes." I nodded my head. She walked out of the living room.

"She looks like Honor. Only older."

"I noticed that. I wonder what her story is." I sat on the couch as soon as Emily walked in with both arms full of bags.

"I can't wait to see the card statement." She looked around. "Where's Addison?"

"She's around the house looking at the photos."

"Oh okay. I'll go put these in our room." She said before walking up the stairs. I saw the look on her face before she quickly turned around. I looked over at Hanna.

"Let's talk about those designs tomorrow Han."

"Alright." She said before she stood up from the couch and gave me a hug. "Tell Em I said bye." She called out as she was walking out of the door. When Emily came back into the living room she sat next to me.

"Now would be a good time to talk right?" I smiled at her and nodded my head.

"Yes. Starting with why I had to buy the clothes."

"The clothes are for Addison. She really needs them. Remember Melissa called me about someone who came into the bar looking for a job?" I nodded my head.

"That someone was her." I narrowed my eyes.

"She's too young to work in a bar."

"I know that Als. I'm not gonna hire her there. When she walked in today I talked with her for a few minutes before I took her somewhere to eat. Well Spencer paid but..."

"Em you're going off topic."

"Right, sorry. We talked, turns out she's homeless. She has been for awhile. She said that the only option was to try to find a job, so she came to my bar. She had on tattered clothes and she was really hungry."

"What about her mother?"

"Her mother, if you call her that, is the one who threw her out in the first place."

"Why?" Emily called Addison into the living room.

"Can you tell Ali some of the things you told me at the bar?" Emily said once Addison sat in the chair next to where we were.

"My name is Addison Derringer. I'm sixteen years old. I was kicked out by my mom almost three months ago because she walked in on me kissing a girl that she thought was just my friend. She said that I was a disappointment to her because I like girls." I reached over and grabbed Addison's hand.

"You're not a disappointment because of your sexual orientation so don't let the words she said to you affect you." Addison looked down and shook her head.

"She hates me. I was going to tell her. I really was... I just didn't know how. Based on how she reacted when she caught me..." She shook her head.

"Maybe she was in shock." Emily said. Addison shook her head.

"No, she's very religious. Every time we would see a same-sex couple, she would always say how wrong it is and that a man is supposed to be with a woman and a woman with a man. I looked over at Emily and saw her frown. "She didn't even give me time to explain things. She just told me to get out like I was nothing."

"Do you have any other family that would take you in?" She shook her head.

"No." I looked at Emily.

"Addison could you give Emily and I a few minutes alone?" She nodded her head and walked out of the living room.

"I know I should have talked to you first babe, but after we took her to get something to eat I couldn't..." I put my hand on her cheek to stop her from talking.

"I know. I would've done the same, so I'm not upset."

"Would you be okay with her staying here for awhile? Until she wants to leave or something." I nodded my head.

"I'm okay with that." I smiled at her.

"Addison." I called out. "Could you come here please?" She walked into the living room and took her previous seat. She looked down at her hands as she played with her fingers.

"How would you feel about staying here?"

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