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Ali's POV

"Hey babe, I bought you your Nike sweats with the hoodie for whenever you get released" I said while putting the bag on the chair. I then took my shoes off preparing to lay next to her. Just as I was about to get on the bed with her I was hit a wave of nausea. I rushed into the bathroom and emptied my breakfast into the toilet. When I finally stopped I stood up and splashed cold water on face, before brushing my teeth with the toothpaste and brush I left here one of the many times I've stayed overnight. I looked in the mirror and saw that my face was a little pale.

Oh the joys of morning sickness. I closed my eyes briefly before walking out of the bathroom.

"Emily, what are you doing up?! " I rushed to her side.

"Ali, I'm not made of glass. I feel fine. I was checking on you. You been in there for awhile. Are you alright?" I relaxed a little.

"I'm okay. Just a little sick." We made our way to the bed and I made sure she was comfortable before laying next to her. I rubbed my finger down her cheek. "I know you're okay Em, but you were just shot 3 weeks ago. You been in a coma since then.. "

"I know and you want to keep me from anything that could possibly harm me but babe, I can walk from one end of the room to the next."

When I looked at her with a worried expression she sighed and kissed me. "I'm fine Ali. I promise." She smiled at me and I couldn't help but smile back.

"I love you so much." I blurted out. Emily smiled and kissed me.

"I love you so much too." She said in between kisses. "I hope I get released before Honor gets out of school." I smiled just thinking of Honor reaction.

"She'll be so excited." I looked over at the clock. "Anything could happen in three hours."

"Yeah." She yawned.

"You're sleepy?"

"Yeah. The nurse gave me some pain medicine a little before you came..."

"You were in pain?"

"Only a little. It's fine now. I'm just tired." I calmed down a little knowing she wasn't feeling any pain as of right now. I buried my face in the crook of her neck and kissed it. I smiled against her skin when she wrapped her arm around me. After a few minutes her breathing evened out, I raised my head a little and looked at her. "I love you so much." I whispered and kissed her cheek.

One Hour Later

I walked out of the bathroom and looked over at Em and saw she was still asleep. I sat in the chair and checked my messages on my phone. I put my phone in my purse when there was a knock on the door. After a few seconds, Emily's doctor walked into the room.

"Great news Mrs Fields. She's clear to go home. I've already had the release papers printed out. You can sign them for her. We actually recommend that you do since she is still under the influence of the pain medication." I nodded my head smiling. He handed me the clipboard.

"Anything to avoid?"

"No heavy lifting for about 3 weeks. She can begin physical therapy in 2 weeks to increase range of motion. The wound has been healing great, so she can shower normally. Ease into eating her normal foods because it will upset her stomach." I laughed a little when I thought about how the first thing she ate after getting out the hospital the first time was pie.

"I just hope she listens this time."

"Don't worry I will." I turned and saw that Emily was about to sit up.

Two hours later.

I put dinner in the oven and walked into the living room to see Emily laying on the couch with Honor. Both were asleep. I took my phone out if my pocket and took a picture. When I started to move Honor Emily woke up.

"It's okay baby. I'm just taking her to her room." I picked her up and carried her into her room. When I laid her down I saw she was awake but still sleepy.

"Go back to sleep."

"Wheres Mama?"

"She downstairs."

"Will she still be here when I wake up? She wasn't here last time when she said she would stay." This is what Emily was talking about.

"Yeah, I'll still be here baby girl." Emily said as she walked into the room. "But you have to go back to sleep. Then when you wake up, we'll eat and watch your favorite movie." Honor smiled at Emily. Em leaned down and kissed her forehead. "I love you."

"I love you too mama. I love both of you." She yawned out. I smiled and kissed her Forehead. When we walked out of the room Emily grabbed my hand. I turned and looked at her.

"What's wrong?" She looked down.

"I don't want to lie to her anymore. Can I really stay?" My heart stopped a little at the sound of sadness in her voice. I squeezed her hand a little.

"Yes. You can stay." I reached up and rubbed her cheek. "I'm sorry I ever did that. Cause now you're questioning things you shouldn't be. I'm so stupid." I turned around about to walk into the room when Emily grabbed my hand,turning me back around.

"You're not stupid Ali. I don't know what I would've done if the tables were turned." I wanted to say something back to her but all I could do was hold a hand over my mouth as I ran to the bathroom. As I was throwing up, I felt a hand on my lower back and another holding my hair back for me. I looked up for a split second before throwing up again.

I finally stopped long enough to get up and brush my teeth. When I turned around, Emily was looking at me.

"The only few times I've ever seen you throw up was when you were pregnant with Honor and when we went out with the girls and you drank too much." She took a few steps towards me until she was right in front of me. "Now I know you're not drunk right now. So how far along are you?" She said with a smile on her face. I smiled at her.

"Almost three months. I actually found out the day you came over to spend time with Honor." Her smile disappeared.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because at first I was upset about the picture still and then we had that fight, you stormed out. Later after that I called your phone to ask you to come back so we could talk cause I wanted to tell you about the pregnancy and talk about us..."

"You called me?"

"Why do you look so shocked?"

"I would've never expected you to call me after the way things went."

"I called four times. Then about 30 mins after that Toby called me telling me to get to the hospital as quick as I possibly could." Emily put her hand on my stomach and smiled when I put my hand on top of hers. She looked at me and held my face between her hands.

"I love you so much Ali. Please just promise me that if something like this ever happens again, not saying it will... Just promise me that we can sit and talk things out instead of you throwing me out. Because that month without being here was torture for me."

"It was for me too. Even though I didn't act like it. I promise I won't ever jump to conclusions." She pulled me to her and hugged me tightly. I felt her kiss my cheek.

"Just know that I would never do anything to hurt you intentionally. Because I love you and I never you want to lose you or my kids."

"I love you too Emily."

(Sorry for any mistakes Ive made in this part. The parts will be shorter after this and Im going to try to write ahead of time. That way, all i have to do is post the parts.)


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