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One Month Later

I grabbed the baby monitor and quietly walked out of Honor's room. I walked into our room and laid on the bed next to Ali and sighed. She turned on her side and looked at me and started rubbing my back.

"When do babies start to sleep through the entire night?" I asked as I yawned.

"Hmm, around 3 to 6 months." She said as she rubbed her hand down my back.

"6 months?! Oh my God." I closed my eyes.

"Are you starting to regret it?" I opened my eyes and looked at her.

"Regret what, Als?"

She swallowed hard before saying what she meant. "Are you starting to regret sticking by me and being a mom to Honor?"

"No!" I grabbed her hand. "I don't regret anything, babe. I don't regret staying here helping you through the pregnancy, being with you, or being a mom to Honor." I kissed her quickly. "I definitely don't regret this." I said as I lifted her hand with the engagement ring on it. She smiled as I continued, "I love you and Honor so much."

I kissed her and when I tried to pull away she put her hand on the back of neck and deepened the kiss.

"I know you're tired. I just want to kiss you longer than a few seconds." She said as I smiled against her lips. She gasped when I bit her bottom lip then sucked on it. After a while, she pulled back and kissed my neck before laying her head on my chest.

"Goodnight baby. For how long Honor allows us to sleep. " I said while laughing a little.

"Goodnight, Em." She said as she put her hands in my shirt and closed her eyes.

Ali's POV

I woke up to Emily's phone ringing. I looked over at her and saw that she was still asleep. I reached over and grabbed her phone and answered it.

"Hello?" I yawned into the phone.

"Morning, Ali. What's up?" Hanna said in a happy mood.

"Just waking up. Well the phone woke me up."

"Oops - sorry for waking you up." She said as she lowered her voice.

"It's fine. Why are you in such a good mood this early in the morning?"

"Because I get to see my beautiful niece today." I rolled my eyes and smiled as I shook my head. I slowly got out of the bed, making sure I didn't wake Emily, and walked into Honor's room. I looked in her crib and saw that she was sleeping.

"We'll see you whenever you and Caleb get here, Han." I said as I grabbed a diaper and the wipes.

"Okay. See you, Ali. Tell Em to wake up." With that she hung up and I laughed a little.

I put the phone on the dresser and softly picked Honor up. She squirmed a little but stayed asleep as I changed her diaper. I picked her up and held her close as I sat in the rocking chair that Toby built for me. I ran my finger across her forehead.

"Everything okay?" I looked up and saw Emily standing in the doorway rubbing her eyes. I smiled at her bed hair.

"Yeah, I just changed her." She smiled and came into the room and kissed me. Then she kissed Honor's cheek.

"I'll go warm her a bottle." She said to me. I nodded my head and looked down at Honor in my arms.

"How could you look so much like Em?" I whispered as I kissed her forehead. I started running my hand thru her hair.

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