Chapter 1- The first text.

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Hey loves! This story is dear to my heart and I've always wanted to be a writer, so I hope you like it. The boys aren't famous in this story, and if you couldn't tell..this is a Larry Stylinson story. Sorry for all you antis X0!


"So, what brings you in here, this time?" He asked emphasizing 'this time'.

I stared straight ahead looking at the man who was 'supposed to be helping me'.

Right. As if this man gave two fucks about me. His red hair, long enough to be passed off as a girl, hung around his reddish beard as his brown eyes pierced into my soul.

"Mr Tomlinson?" He asked.

I didn't answer.

Why the fuck was I in here anyway? Why did I have to see a therapist every week? I mean, I checked myself in here. So I should be able to check myself out, right?

Oh wait. I do remember why I'm here, how could I forget?

"Mr Tomlinson. Why are you in here today?" He asked again while clicking his pen. I gazed across my hand as they started trembling. My vision grew blurry and rage started filling my heart.

My jaw clenched up and I opened my mouth to speak.

"Let's just say, it all began with a group chat..."



"Come on Harry! We will be late for dinner! Hurry your slow ass up!" Jack called from the other room.

I quickly slid on my shorts before running a small brush through my curly hair.

I didn't want to keep Jack waiting. Sometimes when I take too long doing something, he gets mad. He doesn't get mad in the best way either, he gets violent.

Now don't worry, Jack isn't abusive or anything towards me. He just doesn't have the best attitude or anger control. Besides, I loved him. Despite all of his flaws, I loved the little things about him.

Now some would say that eighteen is an early age to get married. But for me, it's totally fine if you love the person. Jack was only a few more years older than me, and I just graduated high school. So it wasn't that bad? Right? He even let me move in with him, which was an amazing thing since I had nowhere else to go after graduation.

"Harry! What the fuck are you doing? They are going to start dinner without us!" Jack snapped as he swung open the door and stumbled in he room.

"I'm hurrying." I mumbled as he rolled his eyes and walked out.

Jack and I were going to dinner with his parents. We wanted to get their blessing since we were engaged. Jacks parents have always been nice to me. That's what I love about them. They're like my second parents next to my own.

I slid on some black jeans that pulled the look together.

I've never been very confident, but this didn't look that bad in my own opinion.

I grabbed my phone and headed downstairs to see Jack waiting patiently on the couch. His sloppy blonde hair fit perfectly with his black suit and blue eyes.

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