Chapter 28- I think im ready..

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I kind of just realized that this chapter is also Louis's hand\finger tattoo. Okay, I'll carry on. xD!


Together, hand in hand, Lou and I walked up to my mums door. Gemma thought it would be best for us to see her ourselves, so she obviously stayed behind.

Louis gives me the look of nervousness, so I assure him by bringing his hand up to my mouth and kissing it. He's really shown me a lot these last couple days, he's made me forget about the rough patches in my life.

I take one look at the old door that I grew up in and knocked once. Louis started shaking and his face began to grow red. I held his hand tighter as the door began to open. There stood my mum who I haven't seen in ages. She was still as beautiful as ever...

"Harry?" She whispers.

"Mum, hi."

She looks at me and covers her mouth in shock completely ignoring Louis. She wraps her arms around me and pulls me tighter to her chest. I embraced my mother, it wasn't quite often that I got to hug her without jack getting in the way.

Louis coughed letting us know that he was there, so mum and I split apart.

As soon as mum backed away from me, I saw the tears welding in her eyes. It was a dreadful sight, and I hated every minute of it. But her next words sent shivers through my body.

"Where's Jack?" She asks with a smile.

"Oh um, mum he's not-"

"Harry!" Robin shouts as he walks up to me. I lean in for a hug and he laughs as he plays with my curly hair.

Louis just stands in the back because of how awkward this whole situation really is..

Robin and my mum were completely different. My mum loved Jack, she just didn't think that it was right to keep me away. She thought that Jack was the perfect man for me, so that's why I never came to see her. Robin on the other hand, hated Jack. Literally...

"How are you doing kid?" Robin asked shaking if my hand.

"Fine, good to see you. I've missed you guys so much." I sigh.

"We have to," Robin says, "Now where is that no good piece of-"

"Jack?" My mum says nudging Robin in the shoulder.

"Well, that's actually what I came to talk to you about. May we come inside?" I ask motioning to Louis standing behind me.

My mum finally acknowledges Lou and widens her eyes, and not in a good way. She crosses her arms and huffs.

"Of course." Robin says holding the door open for us.

I walked in first, and Louis walked in behind me. There was honestly no where to sit. This place looked so much different than I remember, so Lou and I just stood in the corner.

"So, you wanted to tell us something?" Mum says cocking an eyebrow as she sits in the chair across from us.

"But first, where is Gem?" Robin asks grabbing a beer, "We have a surprise for her."

"What's the surprise?" I ask.

"She's been looking for an apartment, well...we found one. It's quite far from here though." Robin sighs.

"I'm sure she'll come to visit though." I assure them. I look over at Louis who is busy biting his nails and looking out the window.

"Well?" Mum asks.

I didn't know how to tell them. Honestly, I had no words. So I guess only actions could explain. I grabbed Louis's hand which caught him off guard. I took a deep breath and winked at him.

"Louis and I are together." I admitted finally.


The whole room...silence.

Mums mouth dropped open. Robin on the other hand, looked like he was about to die of laughter..

"Excuse me?" She asks as she uncrossed her arms and stands up.

"It's true." Louis says with his voice trembling.

"Jack?" She asks.

"Mum, he's gone. Stuff happened, and I don't really want to talk about that. What's important, is that I'm happy." I say smirking at Louis.

"Are you though? Are you really Harry?" She asks as she walks closer to me.

"Anne, really? Now isn't the time.." Robin says holding her back.

"Time for what? Harry is being the most idiotic here. Harry....Jack gave you everything. Everything! He gave you a house, money, a job! What happened?" She shouts which causes Louis to jump.

"Anne, please."

"Not now Robin!" She shouts. I step back in awe. What has come over my mother? I know that she wouldn't have just snapped like that.

"And now your going to tell me that your shacking up with this low life!"  She says pointing to Louis. I could tell that Louis was holding back, he was trying his hardest to stay cool. And that was very mature of him. But that doesn't mean that I can't blow up at my mother.

"Are you fucking kidding me? Jack hit me mum! Did you know that? No! I don't think you did! I left him, and Louis was there! Louis was there through everything! And I was also there for him. I was there for him when his father died! He was murdered, did you know that? Of course you didn't because you won't give me any fucking time to explain!" I shout.

"Harry Edward Styles. We do not use that language in this house!" My mum shouts at me and slaps me in the face. I stumble back into Louis's arms who is beat red. He clenches his fists and his feet tremble.

"Anne, I know that I've just met you. But may I say, you are a complete bitch." Louis says before grabbing my hand and walking me out there door.


Well....shit happened. I would say, but don't worry..things will only get worse xD!!

Love youuuuuu

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