Chapter 11- Drunk messages.

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Comment your name and I might pick you to be a main character in the story! And you even might get to date one of the guys! ENDS CHAPTER 15 so hurry!

After work, Zayn and I were torn between confused and pissed off. We really didn't want to have to work with some idiot, but we actually needed the help. I just hope that it isn't some newbie that I have to teach everything to.

It was so late and Zayn has just closed the bakery. He locked the doors behind us as we waved good by to the aroma of baked goods.

As soon as he turned around, he looked at me with a mischievous grin on his face.

"Guess what time it is?" He smirked.

"Time to go home? Yeah, your right. I'm quite tired." I teased as I backed away slowly.

"No you silly goose! It's time for the party! Whoop whoop!" He shouted throwing his hands in the air.

"Ugh, don't remind me."

"It'll be fun! We can meet new people, and there might even be cute guys there." He gushed.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm not really wanting another relationship right now." I sighed.

"Not a relationship you dumbass, just a fuck buddy."

"What the hell is a fuck buddy?" I laughed.

"Ohh Harry! You've got a lot to learn my friend." Zayn laughed as he smacked my arse and lead me to the car.

I shrugged and followed him knowing that it was no use to argue with Zayn. He had a way with words, they were simple but effective.

The car ride seemed to go on forever. Zayn was over here listening to different genres of songs while bobbing his head up and down. I stared out the window and tapped my fingers to the beat.

What does he expect me to do tonight? Get drunk and have sex with some stranger only to wake up in their house and leave? Yeah, I'll pass.

"Are we there yet?" I sighed.

"Quit whining. Almost there."

I rolled my eyes and continued to look out the window at the night sky. I noticed that I hadn't texted Louis back since this morning so I felt bad.

Harry: Sorry I didn't get back to you. I was at work. :)

Tommo: It's okay! I'm just glad to here from you now. :)

Tommo: Are you gonna show me what you look like yet?

Harry: Are you?

Tommo: No

Harry: Then no ;)

Tommo: 😑

Harry: What are you doing? 😀

Tommo: Watching 'The Notebook' with my sister. :(

Harry: Why the sad face? I love that movie!

Tommo: It's too sappy for me..

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