Chapter 50- I want what's best for him..

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Hello loves! Enjoy this chapter and maybe leave me a vote if you feel like it <3


So let me think about this...

Harry has been in the bathroom with Gemma for about five minutes, while I have been standing here biting off my nails one by one.

Liam and Zayn are standing beside me chatting about football, while the crowd of people are dying down. Not many people were here actually, just a few couples and a few employees and dancers.

Maybe that is a good thing though, considering Harry is having another one of his panic attacks. Poor thing. He honestly doesn't deserve this. Sometimes I wonder if he was better off with Jack..

Gemma quickly took me into the bathroom with her as she wiped my trail of tears on the way.

My mind was filled with questions, and confusion. What the fuck did that message mean?

Gemma pulled me into the stall and handed me some paper towels to try to dry some of my clothes .

"What the hell was that all about Harry?" Gemma asks me as she hands me more and more towels.

I honestly can't find the words to speak right now, and it's probably because of my attack. Gemma doesn't really know much about them, but when someone is having probably shouldn't mess with them.

"Harry? I need an answer."

I looked up at her as more tears started falling, and my legs started shaking. I couldn't hold the towels in my hand anymore, in fact I couldn't even stand.

It was like my whole body gave out, I suddenly dropped to the floor and started bawling. Gemma stood there shocked and she didn't know what to do. The only person who knows how to relieve me from a panic attack is Zayn.

Zayn has been dealing with me for a long time, and he knows exactly what to do.

"Zayn.." I mumble. That was the only word I could get out of my mouth. Gemma seemed to understand and quickly left the bathroom, shutting the door behind her.


As I tried to contain my thoughts, we saw Gemma running towards us. She looked as white as a ghost, but honestly I wanted to know if Harry was okay.

"Where is Harry? Is he okay?" I panicked as I stood in front of Gemma.

"He's fine, he wants-"

"Where is he? Can I see him?" I said moving past her.

"He's in the bathroom, but-"

"Let me see him! Is he crying?" I said .

"Louis! Stop!" Gemma shouted at me making me step back a little bit.

"What?" I snapped.

"He wants to see Zayn." Gemma sighed.

I looked at Zayn, and he looked at me. Zayn nodded and started to make his way towards the bathroom.

"No! What the hell? Why would he want to see Zayn?" I say grabbing a hold of Zayn's arm holding him back.

"Louis, let me go. He needs this, please?" Zayn mumbles.

"No, he's MY boyfriend!" I yell. People start to stare and Gemma walks up to me.

"Louis, if you want what's best for'll let him go." She says quietly.

I looked at Zayn who was looking at his arm. His arm began to grow red from my grip, so I loosened it. Zayn winked at me and began to walk away.

I stepped away a little bit and I felt a hand in my shoulder.

"You okay, lad?" Liam asks.

"He's my boyfriend, Liam. He's my-" I was cut off by my tears. Liam grabbed me by the waist and pulled me into a hug. Liam was much taller than me, so it felt secure.

Zayn and Gemma walked into the bathroom with Harry, and I stand with Liam in the middle of the streets.

But you know? There's one thing that I can't shake off of my mind..

Maybe Gemma is right. If I want what is best for Harry, I might just have to let him go...

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