Chapter 14- The Payne Train life..

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Next chapter I announce the winner so comment your name! Xo love you!!
This is a chapter dedicated to Liam's life before the Group Chat! *WARNING! IT MIGHT BE TRIGGERING FOR THOSE SENSITIVE TO SELF HARM*

The name calling, the pushing, the scars will always be there. Pay attention I hope that you listen, because this is a long story of my rough days.

In middle school, I was always being bullied. People were pushing me around and telling me I didn't deserve to live. Honestly, I didn't know what I did to make them hate me so much. I hate it when people are mad or mean to me and I don't even know what I did. It felt awful, I couldn't take it anymore...

I was only sixteen at the time, which was about two years ago. When I graduated, it was the best day of my life. It honestly got better..

One day when I got home, my mum was out with her friends. I knew that she would be home soon so I had to figure something out that would take away the pain, and quick.

I dropped my bags on the floor and wiped away my tears running upstairs to the bathroom..

What was the point? Nobody loves me, nobody cared. What was the point in anything if nobody was going to miss me..

As soon as I opened the bathroom door, I went straight to the cabinet. I pushed my hair out of my face and stared in the mirror at the man with puffy red eyes and a busted lip. The tears were pouring and nobody was here to stop it.

I shakily took the sharpest razor and lifted the top of it.

Before doing anything, I thought of the people who might actually feel something after I'm gone. My mum, the guidance councilor, and that's about it. Not much to live for anymore.

I wiped away one last tear before taking the razor and pressing it to my skin as I covered my mouth with pain.

I bit my sleeve which was soaked in my tears and I pressed harder watching the blood trickle down my arm.

I winced in pain and bit my sleeve harder. Yes, it hurt. But I knew that it would all be over in a few moments.

I almost moved on to the other wrist before I heard the door open downstairs.

"Liam! I'm home! How was school?" She shouted.

Shit. I quickly took the razor and through it in the trash not knowing what to do about the blood.

"Liam?" She asked, "Liam where are you?"

I didn't answer, I couldn't.

"Liam! Are you in the bathroom? Open the door now!" She shouted and banged on the door.

"I'm almost down mum!" I yelled back at her.

"Have you been crying? Open this now or I'm coming in!"

Before I had a chance to say anything, she busted through the door.

We both stood there in complete silence. She saw he blood easing down my arm and covered her mouth as well.

Soon enough, we were both crying and she was trying to hug me. But I snapped...

"Why? Why did you have to come home! It could've been all over! I could've finally been happy!" I shouted at her as my shirt was covered in tears.

"Honey! It does get better! I promise you! Please! Just please stop this, your not solving anything by doing this. It won't make anything better! Please, let me help you." She cried.

I sniffled and looked at the broken razor laying in the trash can. My vision was blurry, but well enough to see mums face turn pale white.

"Come here." She whispered as she grabbed my hand and pulled me in for a hug.

We stood like that for awhile until we cried into each other's shoulders.

"Mum, in so sorry. I just can't do this anymore! I can't. I just-" I cried.

"Shh, it's okay. You'll be fine, and everything will be fine. I promise."
You know what?

She was right..

About a year later, we went on a family vacation right before my home schooling started, and it was amazing. I had so much fun, and we even got a new dog! His name is Buster.

I made some friends, but nobody came close to family. After all, mum helped me with everything.

A year later, I was living on my own. I still do, and it's amazing. I left my friends which wasn't the best thing, but now I talk to Niall on messaging since that's where I met him. I can not wait to meet him in real life as well. Eventually, I got a job in a factory. I'm doing so well. I talk to Niall and the rest of the guys a lot, and I'm even meeting new people in this app called 'Group Chat'!

I wouldn't have been able to do any of this if it wasn't for my mum. She helped me with so much. She gave me a new home, a new dog, and now thanks to her..I have many new internet friends.

So let me tell you something, it does get better. It really does. I know that it might sound cheesy, but if you give life a chance..then it'll work out. This is coming from a boy who doesn't know much.

-Liam Payne.

How did you all like this triggering chapter? Lol!
Next chapter, I will pick right back up with Zayn and Harry! Who do you think the new co-worker is? How will they get along?
Love y'all and please vote!

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