Chapter 37- Volleyball..

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Thanks so much for almost 2k reads! I don't even deserve it! Ilysm!
Let's get into the story!

After Harry and I took our shower, we met up with the rest of the group in the lobby to discuss what we were doing for the day.

If it was up to me, I'd want to spend the day with Harry. But I know that Harry likes the beach so I was willing to do that for him.

Harry and I put our clothes on and left the room to find the rest of the group. We found them in the lobby sitting in chairs, while laughing. I loved seeing all of these new people and how I just met them a few weeks ago. But they already mean the world to me.

"Hey guys! What took you so long?" Gemma asked as she stood off of Liam's lap and walked towards Harry and I.

"Oh, they were busy doing the dirty. Weren't ya?" Zayn smirks as he nudges Ayesha in the shoulder.

I look over at Harry who is embarrassed and shaking is head. So what do I do? I ease the silence..

"Oh don't act like you hated it." I laugh as I nudge him on the shoulder.

"Can we talk about something other than my sex life? Thank you." Harry blushes as he sits next to Lottie and Jay on the couch.

Now let me tell you something about Jay. She was small, and petite. She had dark brown hair, and light eyes. She was pretty, which was a problem. She clearly fancied Harry, which is why she scooted her ass closer to him when he sat down.

Don't get me wrong, she's sweet. She just needs to back off my mother fucking cupcake.

"So what is the plan today, lads?" I ask as I stand behind Harry putting my hand on his shoulder as he sits on the couch.

"Well, I was thinking that we could all go to the beach! It'll be fun!" Lottie squeals.

"I could be down with that. I've got everything packed. How about you all?" Gemma asks.

We all nod and Zayn kisses Ayeshas temple.

Ayesha was a bit bigger than Jay, but not much. She was beautiful, she had long chestnut hair with green eyes. She was any guys wet dream, except for me.

"Great! It's not a long walk from here. We should be good, let's just stick together." Gemma says as she stands up and picks up the bags.

We head out the front door one by one, Liam and Gemma go first. Then it's Lottie and Jay, then Zayn and Ayesha.

Harry and I are held back because Harry just had to thank the register lady for the towels we received this morning. He is so.....I don't even know the word.

As we walk out the door, the warm air hits me in the face. England isn't the nicest place, but it'll sunshine when it wants to.

Harry and I walked hand in hand towards the beach, as well as the other couples. But we had one problem...Jay.

"So, are you guys going to the volleyball section? Lottie and I are playing with a couple of people and we could use more players." Jay says eyeing Harry.

"Um, I don't thi-"

"We would love to. Volleyball seems fun." Harry cheers. He clearly didn't see that she had a thing for him.

"Haz, I don't think that this is such a good-"

"Please. It'll only be for a few minutes, so pretty please." Harry asks puckering his lips.

How the fuck does he do that?

"How can I say no to that curly hair?" I teased as I touched his curly hair. And for a minute, it seemed like it was growing longer by the day. Or maybe I was just seeing things..

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