Chapter 30- Vaca

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Hello loves! I am currently writing a dirty Imagine book for 1D! If y'all are interested, it'll be posted after I finish this book!


Liam. Liam, that name rang a bell. I don't know what it was, but something about him seemed familiar.

Louis felt it too, I could tell because his face was utterly confused. Louis looked at me with wide eyes and a jaw drop. He looked so damn good, and I had absolutely no regrets with telling him how I felt.

"Liam?" Zayn asks as he walks up close to him. Gemma backs away and twirls her fingers. At this moment, we are all confused..

"Excuse me?" Liam asks with a giggle.

"Liam, Liam Payne?" Zayn cocks an eyebrow.

"Yes, why?" He mumbles.

"Oh, my God." Zayn whispers.

"What the fuck is going on?" Gemma snaps.

"Liam, it's me. Zayn? Group Chat! We've texted since-"

"Oh my God. Are you serious? No.." Liam says as he rubs the back of his neck.

"Yeah, it's me." Zayn giggles.

"Holy shit. And you?" Liam asks pointing to me.

"I'm Harry." I chuckle.

"No way. You?" He asks pointing to Louis.

"I'm Tommo." Louis jokes as he walks over to me and wraps his hand around my waist pulling me closer to him.

"And both of you are..."

"Together." We say simultaneously. Liam's smile grows wider, as Gemma gives us all a questioning look.

"Can someone please explain what the hell is happening?"

"It's a long story Gem, but we met Liam on a website and are just now seeing him for the first time." I explain.

"So, basically you guys already knew each other?"

"Pretty much." Louis laughs.

"This is all too much." Zayn laughs as he grabs a beer from the fridge.

"Toss me one, yeah?" Liam asks as Zayn takes two out of the fridge.

Louis and I smiled at each other, because things were finally falling into place. Things were finally starting to go well for me. I was dating the love of my life, and I was meeting another one of my best friends. Now I know what I want, I want to live with him. I want to love him as mine, I want to share a life with him.

"So, what do you boys do?" Liam laughed talking a seat beside Gemma on the couch.

"Well, I work in a bakery with Harry and Louis here. Louis is still new so we are teaching him some things." Zayn laughs.

"Wow, who would've known. Do you guys all love here together?"

"Hell no!" Louis laughs, "I live down the hall with my sister. But she is leaving for college in a few weeks."

I look at Louis who had a frown on his face. Him and his sister were very close, so I knew that he was upset.

"That reminds me, Gemma." I say looking at Gemma, "Mum and Robin found an apartment for you somewhere out of town."

"No need for it. Liam asked me to move in with him." She says kissing him on the cheek.

"Oh, Congrats?" Zayn chuckles.

"Thanks, but that isn't the real reason we came here." Liam says.

"Oh?" I ask grabbing Louis's hand to assure him that he'll be okay while Lottie is at college.

"Yeah, we have an announcement." Gemma laughs.

"Please don't tell me your pregnant." Zayn giggles, "I can't take anymore kids."

"Oh! No! Not until we are ready. But, I wanted to announce that we are taking a vacation for the next two weeks.

Zayn looks at me and gives me the most happy smile ever. I'm pretty sure I know exactly what she's about to say, but I wait for her reply.

"Where are you guys going?" Louis asks.

"East Sussex. But that's not all.." Gemma smirks.

"What? Tell me! I need to know!" Zayn cheers. He's literally on the edge of his seat.

"We want you guys to come with us." Liam smiles.

We all exchange looks and Zayn jumps in the air and pumps his fists.

"Yes! This is gonna be great! Wait, who's all coming?"

"Well that's what we wanted to talk to you about. We are getting a hotel on the beach. We were thinking that Liam and I could share a room, Harry and Louis, Zayn and Ayesha, and Lottie gets her own." She mumbled.

Zayn was over the moon. He jumped in the air before landing one last time.

"Are you fucking serious? Oh my God, yes!" Zayn says before grabbing another beer.

"When do we leave?" Zayn asks.

"Tomorrow." Liam says nervously.

"Oh, that's fantastic. We will be back in plenty of time for Lottie to attend college. What do you say Haz?" Louis asks me as he takes my hand.

Um, a weekend with Louis...alone? Hell yes!


Time does fly! Next chapter, they will be packing and maybe on the road! Stay tuned!! Love you all!

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