Chapter 58- You bring me home..

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Hello loves! Choose love always! Ps, if you don't like smut...I suggest skipping this episode.



Before I could say anything, Lou's lips were already on mine.

I leaned myself against the door as he turned off the car lights and leaned in closer to me. I giggled in appreciation and leaned into him as well.

I loved him, and remember that it was going to be one of the last times that I would see him, made it more special.

He inched himself over me and covered me with kisses. He began kissing my nose, which made me giggle some more. I loved him so much that even the slightest touch would make me whither under him.

"Your so cute, you know that?" Louis laughed.

"Really Louis?"

"What?" He asked as he was still laying on me.

"We are in a car, trying to have sex. And now your calling me cute?" I joked.

"What's wrong with that?"

"Well, your supposed to be sexy. Not cute.."

He rolled his eyes at me and continued to kiss my nose.

"How is this?" He asked, "I want to fuck you so hard baby until I hear you screaming my name."

"Um, uh- yeah. That'll do.." I mumbled as I felt my bulge growing by the second.

I was trying to contain myself all night, but that comment just sent me overboard. It was like a switch that only he could turn on, if made me feel great.

I smiled and reconnected our lips as he did the same. We spent about two minutes just laying on each other, kissing, before Louis unconnected.

"Fuck it, I need you." He growled as he removed his shirt from his warm chest. I removed mine as well, and I started to unbuckle my belt.

"Let me." Louis said before he removed my hands and replaced them with his own. He unbuckled my belt and slid down my pants revealing my tight boxers, which was clearly showing my bulge by now.

I moved my hands to Lou's hips and undid his belt. His was easier to handle, considering how small he was.

I slid off his boxers as well until he was bare in front of me. I know I've seen him before, but his size still amazes me.

I slid off my own boxers before Louis grumbled and scrunched his nose. I could tell that he was getting restless, not only by his size..but his facial expressions as well.

"You ready?" He whispered before connecting our lips again. I nodded and he slid in as quickly as he could.

I winced a little before adjusting to his size. Speaking of size, this car was a bit too small.

"Louis-" I moaned before I was cut off by his lips.

He rocked himself slowly against me as I tightened my grip on his back.

"Fuck Lou, faster please." I mumbled. He smiled against my chest and thrusters faster and harder.

"You like that baby?" He asked.

I couldn't pronounce words, but at the sight of my face..the answer was clearly a yes.

Louis thruster faster and our breathing got heavier. Sweat was begging to drip from his forehead because the car wasn't turned on, but trust me...I was. :)

"Louis- I'm gonna-" I mumbled before he kisses me one last time and I felt my high approaching. One last thrust, and Louis and I finished together. It was wonderful how one person could make you feel.

Louis took a deep breath before sliding out, and collapsing on top of me.

"Let's just sleep in the car. Okay?" Louis mumbled before shutting his eyes.

I took my hand and ran my fingers through his sweaty hair. He was magnificently beautiful.

I gladly said, "Yes, Louis."

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