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Important announcement! This chapter contains only group chat messages while Harry is at Zayn's house. He doesn't speak to Jack all day..

*The next morning*

*New Text from 'Lil Hoes'*

Harry: Really who came up with the name lol

Zayn: Haz! Your hear! Damn man I haven't spoken to you in a long while.

Harry: Your just in the other room..

Zayn: I know, but it's cooler this way ;)

Harry: Sure it is..

Liam: You guys are weird..

Harry: Oh yeah, I forgot that this was a group Chat.

Niall: How could you forget about me?😭

Harry: It's easy, I don't know you.

Niall: I'm the Irish one😆

Zayn: You've said..

Zayn: Millions of times..

Liam: So what are you all doing right now?

Harry: Well I'm supposed to be at work but something's happened that kind of ambushed it.

Niall: What happened?

Tommo: His ex slapped him last night so he took off..

Harry: What the fuck Louis?!

Tommo: Hello to you too👅

Tommo: And who is Louis?🤔

Harry: I told you to keep that in between us!

Zayn: Oh, so you guys were speaking alone together..😏

Liam: Ohhh things are getting spicy!

Niall: Liam, nobody says spicy..

Liam: Shut up, your millions of miles away, you can't judge me.

Niall: True.

Harry: Guys this isn't the point! The point is, it's over and I want to forget about it. Jack and I have some things to work out.

Tommo: What's to work out? This guy seems like a tool.

Harry: Please stop calling him that!

Zayn: He's not wrong..

Liam: Guys, give this kid a break. He's got a lot of shit to deal with.

Harry: Thank you. At least someone listens^💅🏼

Zayn: Hey! I listen!

Harry: Barely! I always try to talk to you but your always talking to random people online.

Zayn: I've got no friends in the real world.

Niall: Have you guys heard this new song called "Back To You" by Bebe Rexha?

Harry: No

Tommo: Nope, never heard of it.

Zayn: Why?

Niall: Cause it's sooo good! It's literally the Best Song Ever!

Harry: Why did you capitalize 'Best Song Ever'??

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