Chapter 41- Eggs

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Heyyy! Yeah I'm tired and school is fucking me up, but other than that..I'm good. **SMUT WARNING**


"When are we going to go back to work?" I asked Zayn.

Louis slept over in my room last night because he was worried about me. I love that he cares, but sometimes he cares too much, and it's strange.

"What do you mean?" Zayn asks as he flips the eggs.

"Well, we haven't been to work in a while. Plus, Louis needs to learn some new things."

"Well, we haven't exactly had enough time. But we might go back after today. Barbra has been keeping her workers busy as hell because we aren't there." Zayn sighs.

Barbra was so nice, she knew that we needs time off and I'm glad she gave it to us. She was like a second mother, not that I'm in touch with my first.

I still can't believe that my own mum doesn't approve of Lou and I. No wonder Gemma moved out of that household. I don't think that I would be able to stand it any longer either.

Speaking of Gemma, that's when I received a test from her..

Gemma: Hi Harry. I hope your over your spell, and I'm sorry I didn't stay. You know that it's hard for me to see you like that, plus it looked like Louis had it under control ;) I'm doing fine. Liam and I are going to a concert in a few weeks, then I might come and visit. Love you, stay strong baby boy.

Harry: Hi Gem. Thank you, and I love you too! I just hope that seeing jack today is the best decision...

Gemma: you'll know in your heart if it is or not. Just follow your heart Harry. Never forget that..ever.

Harry: I love you Gemma.

Gemma: Ilyt! Now go back to's early!

She was right. It was eight in the morning, Louis was still sleeping. I didn't care though, because the morning welcomed me with open arms. The birds, the sunrise, everything welcomed me.

As Zayn finished the eggs, I received another text by a different person..

Tommo: Hey baby. Where are you? I miss you..:(

Harry: relax..I'm just downstairs lol

Tommo: exactly! You should be here with me! Come back to bed..

Harry: I'm fixing you some eggs.

Tommo: really??

Harry: well Zayn is cooking them, I'll just bring them to you

Tommo: awe, thanks cupcake

Harry: np.

I looked up from my phone and I must have been smiling because Zayn was standing in front of me with a cocked eyebrow.

"You are love struck." He giggles.

"Why do you think that?"

"Because your texting him when he's only upstairs!" Zayn laughs.

"Well, I do love him. But I don't know about love struck."

"Please, your completely whipped." He says handing me a plate of scrambled eggs.

"Thanks." I say and roll my eyes.

I carry the plate of eggs up the stairs and down the hall. Louis liked scrambled while I personally liked sunny side up. We were completely different, but we fit.

I opened the bedroom door, expecting to see a tired Louis buried in the sheets. But boy was my expectation off.

"Hi cupcake." Louis sighs as he sits on the bed with his legs crossed. He was wearing nothing but Calvin Klein boxers


"Holy fuck!" I shout before I turn around.

"Don't be shy. Not like you haven't seen me before." He scoffs.

Fair point.

"Where the fuck did you get those?" I laugh as I turn back around to face him. Honestly, they looked good. Like really good.

"I bought them while we were in East Sussex." Louis laughs, "How do they look?"

"Um, they uh- look. Good."

"Good?" He smirks.

"Yeah, really good." I blush. I can't believe he was doing this to me, again.

"Maybe they would look better off.." he teases.

"Louis, please stop. I came here to give you Eggs. That's it."

"Awe come on, don't you want to? Or do you not think I'm attractive anymore.." he teases.

"You know that's not it at all. Your very attractive, but Zayn is just downstairs."

"He won't hear us." He smirks before crawling on the bed over to me.

"Lou-" I'm stopped my the sudden familiar taste of his lips. His lips molded with mine so perfectly, and it genuinely felt amazing.

He moved his hands to my waist and pulled me in closer. I tangled my hands in his hair and leaned in until I was on top of him in the bed.

"Yeah, hell no." Louis snaps before turning us over and he is on top of me.

"Much better." He teases. He kisses me on the nose and starts to remove my shirt.

As his hands are tangling in the buttons, I move my hands to his bottom waist and move my fingers along the seam of his boxers. God, they fit him so well.

Louis eventually got my shirt off and struggled to get the jeans off. As I was kissing around his neck, he slid my boxers and jeans off in one motion until we were completely bare to each other.

"God, your so beautiful." Louis whispers to me as he kisses my shoulders. I moan in excitement as a wind of confidence rolls passed me. And that is strange considering I'm not all.

Lou winks at me before reaching over to the dresser and pulling out a blue box filled with condoms.

He slides it over his length, which makes me short it breath. I loved him so much, he was beautiful.

With one motion, Louis slides into me which gives us a wind of excitement. We moan in excitement and he continues.

With every thrust, I'm realizing that I'm falling more and more in love with him.

Soon enough, I'm filling with joy and Louis moans before smashing his lips to mine.

With one more thrust, Louis's body twitches a little and I feel him spill into me.

I go out of breath and I feel his body collapse onto mine. He's totally smashing me, but at that moment I didn't care.

"Can I have my eggs now?" Louis whispers.

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