Chapter 68-Doncaster disasters

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Doncaster is way different from Holmes Chapel. The buildings are much bigger, and they're much more people. I liked it, a lot. Something made me want to stay and never move back, but I know that I have to.

I need to see Harry, I have to. I hope he enjoys the new house I bought him. But I don't want him to move in until we can do it together, until we can begin our family.

It's been a couple months and I'm missing him like crazy. Everywhere I turn I feel like I hear his voice, or he's right next to me.

One day I was at a restaurant and I almost ordered something for him. I caught myself before I said anything, and I frowned. That's why I can't wait until I see him. Until I can hold him again, until I can see his beautiful smile again.

I've kept in touch though. I've kept in touch with Harry, Liam, Zayn, Lottie, and Niall. Niall and I plan to meet up sometime in the future. He has helped me with a lot of shit, so I owe it to him. He's even planning on moving up here in the future, and it'll be nice to see him in person.

Lottie is doing fantastic in art school, she's really unbelievable. Liam and Gemma have been good. Something is up with them, and God only knows what. Zayn and Ayesha are engaged, which is amazing. He deserves someone after he lead me to the love of my life.

"Tomlinson! Get your ass to the showers! We will practice tomorrow, so I need you well-rested." Coach demanded.

"Will do!" I called back. I through my duffle bag over my shoulder and headed to the lobby. This place was crazy huge, and there were many friendly people.

"Hey Tommo! Man, how's it hangin'?" Zac Peterson asked me.

I met Zac a month ago and he is a pretty cool dude. He is married so he had to leave his wife behind, but we connected pretty well. I told him about Harry and he seemed to understand. We would joke about things and he would always seem to get it.

"Pretty good, Zac. I'm about to hit the showers, did you know we have practice tomorrow?"

"Not until now. We better rest up, because Coach is making us run extra laps tomorrow. Something about 'Good Energy'." He laughed.

I nodded and made my way towards the showers. I passed multiple people on my way, and gave multiple high-fives. I made a lot of friends here, which was good. But the friend I was longing for, was two hours away by flight.

I never stopped thinking about him as soon as I arrived here in Doncaster. He was on my mind when I was unpacking my bags, when I was going to bed, waking up in he morning, eating breakfast, lunch and dinner. It kills me to know that he's suffering without me. God only knows what's going on inside that head of his right now.

As soon as I stepped out of the shower I felt the cold tile rub against the soles of my feet. I wrapped the towel around my waist and pushed my bangs out of my face before walked out of the locker room.

I grabbed my phone on the way out of the shower and logged straight into group chat. It's been awhile since I've spoken to any of these lads, so it should be interesting.

*New message from Groupchat*

Niall: hiiiiiii

Louis: hi Niall, where are the rest of the lads?

Niall: how am I supposed to know? I don't stalk anyone..

Niall: okay maybe...

Niall: okay! I stalked Justin Bieber..

Niall: one time!

Louis: Niall....I get it.

Louis: I'm just worried, I haven't heard from them in hours.

Niall: they haven't replied to me either.

Louis: oh well..I'll get a hold of them somehow.

Niall: that reminds me.

Niall: can we hang out sometime soon?

Louis: don't you live in Ireland?

Niall: yes, but I could always visit England.

Louis: let me know when your free buddy.

Niall: will do :)

"Tomlinson! There's a call for you in the booth!" Coach yelled at me.

I dropped my phone and my bag, then I ran to the phone booth. I couldn't help but think that it may be Harry wanting to speak to me. I haven't heard from him in ages.

"Hello?" I asked hopefully. Hoping to hear the familiar, deep voice I've been longing for.

"Hi, is this Mr- uh- Louis Tomlinson?" A with an American accent asked.

"This is he, may I ask who is calling?"

"This is Carter Hastings from Holmes Chapel regional Emergency Center. I'm sorry to inform you that Mr Harry Styles had been in an accident. We need you to be here as soon as possible, it's Urgent. Thank you." She said.

And there went my heart...

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