Chapter 38- And it all goes wrong..

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Love you all so much! Let's get straight to the story!

After the beach, everyone decides to go to their hotel rooms because they were tired. But not Lou and I. We decided to head down to the the hotel pool and take a dip for a while.

Plus it's been forever since I've been swimming, and swimming with my love is a bonus.

As we headed back to the hotel, Louis and I had a pretty deep conversation. I didn't mind it, it was just different then what I would have expected from him.

"What do you want for the future?" Lou asks me.

"What do you mean?"

"Like, are you looking for a future with me? Do you want to spend the rest of your life with me?" He asks as we pass beautiful trees and lakes.

And honestly, I've thought about it. I just haven't acknowledged it. Of course I want to spend my life with Louis, I just don't want to rush into something I'm not ready for yet. I'm only nineteen, and he's twenty three.

"Yes, I am looking forward to a life with you. Just not so soon, after all, I'm only nineteen." I sigh.

"Oh absolutely. I just wanted to make sure that you felt the same way about me as I do ab-"

"Why do you keep saying that?" I snap and I stop walking.

"Saying what?"

"You keep talking about how you don't know if I feel the same way about you. Louis, I've told you many times. I love you! I love your crazy, obnoxious, annoying self." I joke.

"Was that supposed to be a good speech of a hurtful one?" Louis jokes.

"This isn't a joke, I'm being serious. I love you! How many times do you need me to say it?"

"More than this." He says before leaning in to kiss me.

I quickly stop him and put my hand over his mouth.

"No kissing until we swim, it's hot..and the pool seems big." I laugh.

"Your mean." He pouts.

"You love it."


Louis and I walk into the hotel and head straight for the pool area. We walked hand in hand not caring what others thought.

I hated living in this homophobic world, because everywhere you turned..someone was judging you for who you loved.

"So, are you getting in first?" Louis laughed.

"Hell no. The water looks freezing!"

"Wrong choice." Louis says as he grabs my waists and pulls me into the water with him. I fall on top of him in the water as it hits me in the face.

The coolness of the water felt good, considering how hot it was outside, but he had no right to pull me in. He was so going to get it..

"Ugh, you got my beach clothes all wet!"

"Awe, I think you'll live. Plus, I'm soaked too." Louis laughs.

"Your so going to pay for that." I smirk.

"Am I?" He asks cocking an eyebrow.


I scoot closer to him and wrap my hands around his waist. I pull him closer to me until our wet bodies are pressed against each other.

Haha, you thought.

I put my hand on his head and dunk him under water as fast as I could before swimming away. Louis is underwater for a bit, before his beautiful face pops back out.

"That was so not cool!" Louis yells from the other side of the pool.

"Told you that you were going to pay for it!" I laughed.

He rolls his eyes and floats on his back. He looked so happy, and it looked really food on him. Happiness was the key to everything.

So sometimes I wonder to myself, how the fuck did I think that I was happy with Jack? How did I think that he was everything? Sometimes it still blows my mind.



After about an hour of just swimming and talking, Harry and I got out of the pool to dry off.

Everyone was probably in their rooms by now, and it was getting later and later.

I watched as Harry dried his curly hair and wrapped in in a towel. And by this time his hair was getting longer and longer. It was almost down to his shoulders, but I loved it. He could probably pull off anything.

"How long are you going to let your hair grow?" I ask as I wrap a towel around myself.

"I haven't really given it much thought yet, but I am trying to let it grow out. I'm thinking that when it grows passed my shoulders, I'll cut it and give it to charity." Harry says as he picks up his phone.

Harry Styles everyone, the man who will grow out his hair, just to give it away.

I blush just thinking about how thoughtful he is, and I turn around facing the door. Big mistake....

As I turned around, I heard Harry breathing heavily behind me. I turned to face him again and his face is pale white. He is shivering and his phone is on the floor.

"Oh my God. Harry, what the hell? What happened?" I ask leaning closer into him.

He doesn't say anything and just looks at the ground.

"Harry, what's wrong?"

He points to his phone as his hands start to shake.

Not another panic attack..

I pick up his phone and look at the front screen. Trust me, he had a very good reason to be freaking out.

**New text from 'Anonymous'**

Anonymous: Harry, you probably don't want to hear from me. Hell, you probably already blocked me. But I want to talk to you, it's important. Meet me at the coffee shop in Holmes Chapel. Love you. XD

I look at Harry and tears are building in his eyes. There was only one person who could make him have a panic attack the way he does..

Thanks so much for reading this chapter! Who do you think texted Harry?? Get ready for some drama! Love you all!

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