Chapter 43- You will regret this..

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Hello loves, right now I'm currently writing a fanfic about Harry, it isn't Larry but I think it might be good. Love u!


The rest of the car ride was boring, but you could feel the tension. I was just so nervous, because I didn't know what to say to Jack when I saw him. Hell, I don't even know what he wants to talk to me about anyway!


Louis sped up as we arrived at the coffee shop near the bakery. Man, it's been awhile since I have been in the bakery. I can't wait to get back into the swing of things once everything is cleared up. And maybe I can even start a family with Louis.

Louis parked the car slowly and and turned it off. We both sat very nervously because none of us had anything to say. But it's better to have silence than negative words right?

"Okay, do you think you'll be fine without me?" Louis asks.

"Are you kidding me? You said that you would come into the building with me!"

"No, I will. I mean, go in there and find him. I have to go to the bathroom and I will find you both as soon as I get done, I promise." Louis said cupping my cheek.

You all know that my weakness is his cuteness, so I had to agree.

I quickly nodded and kissed him back. He blushed a little bit and got out of the car as I did to.

This was it, I was seeing him. I was seeing the man that almost destroyed my life. The man who took almost everything from me.

But I can't condemn him, I'm not God. He just deserves it, he deserves anything bad that comes to him. Unless it's death, because nobody deserves to die.

Louis quickly walked into the building and made a right towards the bathroom because if Jack was already in there, he didn't want him to see him.

And maybe it was a good idea for Lou to go to the bathroom first. It gives me a bit of time to catch up with Jack and clear things up without it being too awkward for both of us.

I followed into the building right after Louis and made a left towards the seating area.

As I looked around, no sign of Jack anywhere. Just girls with their friends and boys with their girlfriends.

I scoped out the area for a bit until my eyes fell upon a dirtier looking man with scruff and a long black coat all the way to his knees. He was sitting in a booth diagonal from the bathrooms.

But guess what? My eyes had to adjust for a moment before I realized that it was who I thought it was.

I thought I wouldn't be nervous, but after seeing him my legs started shaking. I actually felt another panic attack coming on. The thing is, maybe I could control it.

Panic attacks are caused by stress, so maybe if I think about something non stressful I can overcome it.

I closed my eyes and thought about him. I thought about the man who drug me out of hell and has given me the best months of my life. I thought about the family we could have together. And most importantly, I thought about the thing that brought us closer together..

Group Chat.


I kept my eyes on Jack and took a deep breath. I tried steadily walking towards him, but my feet only managed to walk slowly.

As I shuffled towards him, he looked my way.


As he faces me from the booth, he looked me dead in the eyes. And trust me when I say this, he looked completely different.

His eyes were droopy and his scruff was growing. He looked like he had dropped a few pounds and his hair was much longer than before.

"Hi, Harry." Jack mumbles as I sit down across from him in the booth. I could feel the tension feel the room, and it was making my stomach hurt.

"Hi." I sighed.

Well, this was awkward.

"Listen Haz-"

"Don't call me that." I interrupted.

"Excuse me?" He asked cocking an eyebrow.

"I said, please don't call me that."

"Oh, okay. Sorry."

What? He doesn't have a right to call me that. Do you blame me?

"Well, how are you doing Harry?" He asked folding his hands.

"I'm doing fine. I'm doing better than fine actually. The bakery is doing well, and we have more employees now."

"That's good." Jack smiled.

I could tell that he was hurting. And something inside me felt sorry for him, I didn't want to, but I did.

"How about you?" I asked.

"Eh, doing as good as I'll ever do now- a - days." He chuckled.

"Well, that's good I guess."

"Yeah," He mumbled, "Listen, I actually wanted to talk about our-"

"Sorry I'm late lads, the line for the bathroom took forever." Louis laughs as he sits beside me in the booth catching Jack by surprise.

"Hey babe." I reply. Louis blushes and plants a kiss on my temple.

Jacks mouth is wide open by now and his eyes are growing darker. I've been away from him for so long, it's hard to tell what he's feeling anymore.

"Jack, this is Louis." I say wrapping my arm around the tiny boy beside me.

"What the fuck is he doing here?" Jack snaps.

"What do you mean?" Louis answers.

"I was supposed to meet Harry alone, to talk about our-"

"Your what?" Louis snaps.

Woah, this took a large turn..

"Our relationship." Jack mumbles.

"Jack, we don't have a relationship anymore." I sighed, which only made him clench his fists.

"So your telling me, that I wasted two hours of my day just to have you tell me that your dating someone else?" Jack yells.

"Jack, your causing a scene." I state.

"I don't give a fuck! Harry, we are supposed to be together! It's just meant to be, and now your telling me that you are with this dumbass little kid?"

"Excuse me, I'm not little!" Louis snaps. Oh my God, Louis was really not helping at the moment.

"I think it's time we leave, Lou." I tell him.

"No!" Jack snaps and grabs onto my arm before I have the chance to get out of the booth.

"Let go of me." I tell him.

"Not until you tell me that you still love me. Harry, I know that you do! I just know it!"

Louis couldn't take it anymore. I think that he really snapped when Jack touched me. Louis just smacked Jack across the face which sent me free.

I quickly got out of the booth and headed for the door with Louis in my hand.

"Harry, if you walk out that door..I promise you that you will regret it!" Jack scowls at us.

"Goodbye Jack." I whisper.

Jack is left with tears in his eyes and his hands clenched into fists. As Louis drug me to the car, I couldn't help but think about one thing..

What did he mean by 'You will regret this'?

Group Chat (COMPLETED)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora