Chapter 44- Another day..

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Hello loves! It would be very much appreciated if you share this story with other Larries <3 You don't have to..just a suggestion ;)


So after our little run-in with Jack at the coffee shop, Harry and I quickly proceeded home.

I could tell that Harry was about shaken up about the whole situation, and I don't blame him. If it were me, I also would've probably been freaking out.

And it didn't help the situation when I showed up and kissed Harry on the cheek. But in all honesty, Jack had no right to talk to Harry of touch him like that.

And if I ever find out that he hurts Harry in anyway, you bet your ass that I will beat the shit out of them.


So I guess you could say that the car ride home was tensional. Harry wouldn't stop breathing heavily, and his hands were shaking.

My poor baby didn't deserve to be controlled like that. That man didn't deserve to have Harry in his life. And sometimes, I don't even deserve to have Harry in my life. Harry is so good and pure, he is one of a kind. He's just so lost in this crazy messed up world.

As we pulled into our apartment building, Harry's eyes lit up and he looked around the car.

"Is everything okay?" I asked him.

"Yeah, I guess I just now realized that Gemma moved in with Liam. Now it's just Zayn and I." Harry sighed.

That's true. Gemma was moved in with Liam. And yes, Harry will still get to see her..but he will always miss her.

And if I want to think about it, Lottie is also going to that school in a few days. Hard to believe, but it's true. And sooner or later, Harry will be wanting to go to college or something. What then?

Sometimes I guess it's best not to think about those things though.


When Harry and I walked into his apartment, Zayn was already on the couch screaming at the Telly of course. He was watching a footie which made sense.

"Zayn I'm home!" Harry shouted as we walked into the door.

Man, wouldn't it be nice if he was saying that to me. Maybe one day..

"You brought Louis with you, didn't you?" Zayn chuckled. He kept his eyes fixed on the Telly the whole time so he wasn't looking back.

"When do I not bring him?" Harry teased which made me smile.

"Fair point. Anyway, how was Mr Jackass after all this time?" Zayn asked turning around and cocking an eyebrow.

"It didn't go as planned." Harry sighed.

"What do you mean?"

"I don't want to talk about it." Harry said putting down his jacket.

Zayn looked at me in confusion and I winked letting him know that I'll tell him later.

"Well, I'm going to head to bed because I'm dead tired. It's been a long day, and Ayesha isn't replying to my calls." Zayn mumbled.

"I'm sorry, but she'll come around." Harry said.

"Thanks Haz." Zayn ran upstairs and shut the door behind him.

Harry and I looked at each other and he went over to sit on the couch. As he did so, my phone buzzed a couple times in my pocket.

I took it out and my eyes lit up when it said that I had a message from the group chat.

"Harry, check your phone." I told him. Harry did as told and checked his phone as well. He had the same amount of messages as me.

**New message from Group Chat**

Niall: Heyyyyyyyyyy

Liam: Hi

Niall: where is everyone?

Harry: I'm here.

Tommo: sup.

Niall: yay! We are like Barbie and the three musketeers!


Liam: Barbie???

Niall: yeah, remember that one Barbie movie?

Liam: no..should I?

Tommo: I think it's sad that you know that Niall..

Niall: 😔

Liam: where is Zayn?

Harry: he is asleep. Ayesha hasn't texted him back..

Liam: that's a shame..

Tommo: yeah, poor guy.

Harry: where is Gemma?

Liam: in the shower😊

Tommo: I didn't need to know that..

Harry: I don't get it..

Niall: of course you don't Harry..your too innocent.


Harry: thanks babe.


Liam: aren't you both in the same room??

Tommo: yes.

Niall: and you are texting??

Harry: yes, we are sitting by each other also..😜

Liam: why...

Tommo: do you really want to know the answer to that question..

Liam: point taken..

Niall: you all are gross..

Liam: anyway, how did it go with Jackass?

Harry: ugh, why does everyone keep asking that!!!!!

Liam: I'm sorry..I didn't know.

Tommo: don't worry about it Liam..he's had a rough day.

Tommo: do you want me to draw you a bath Harry??

Harry: yes..please.

Tommo: be right back guys!!

**Tommo left the conversation**

Harry: bye😉

**Harry left the conversation**

Liam: they won't be back, will they?

Niall: nope..😂

Group Chat (COMPLETED)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora