Chapter 54- He gives the best advice

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Almost at 3k! Thank you all so much for everything <3 You don't understand how much I love you all!


So I'm guessing you want to know what happened after I told Liam that I only had two days left to stay in Holmes Chapel. Well, we left.

That's it, we left.

Everyone was gone, so we decided to fled the scene too. Harry had just calmed down from his panic attack, and I didn't want anything to alarm it again.

I know that Harry doesn't want me to go, I can feel it. He tells me that he is okay with me leaving, and that he'll be fine. But I know better than that, I know  that he will be a mess. And that's one of the reasons that I am afraid to leave in two days.

I'm afraid to just pack up and leave Harry, for a whole year. Who's to say that he doesn't find someone else while I'm gone. Who's to say that we don't drift apart and he meets another guy. I mean, it's a whole year away from each other, and I don't know if I'm ready for that or not.

And that's why I'm spending all the time I can with him. Just me and Harry, together doing whatever people our age do. Besides, we only have a certain amount of time left, and I want to make it as fun as possible for him.

After we all left, we decided to just head back. Liam and Gemma headed home and so did we. I just wanted to stay the night with Harry again because we've only gotten a certain amount of time.

Lottie was at home and I texted her that I got into the college. She was, of course, very happy for me. We've decided to meet at the airport at the time of my departure, so I could spend more time with Haz.

Lottie was very happy for me, obviously, but she was also upset as well. As for Felicite, she couldn't care less. She was happy and enjoying her life with dads money.

Shame to say they never found who murdered him, but honestly even if they do...I don't even care to find out.

Don't get me wrong, I love him..after all he's my father. But after what he did to me, it's going to take a while to get over that.

As soon as we got back to the apartments, Harry was yawning and rubbing his eyes every two seconds. He needed his sleep, not only does he need his beauty sleep, but he was tired and I don't ever want my baby to be tired.

"Thank God!" Zayn shouted as we all stumbled into the apartment, "Finally!"

I laughed as Zayn crashed onto the couch, spreading his legs out and his arms out too.

Harry headed straight to the bathroom, and locked the door behind him.

Damn, he didn't seem like himself. He was there, but he just wasn't there. You know?

"Hey Zayn?" I asked walking over to the couch beside his.

"Yeah?" He mumbled. He was about two minutes from being gone to the world.

"I'm worried about Harry, he hasn't acted like himself lately."

"Well obviously, look at what he found out tonight. Sad to say it, but he won't be like himself until the day he sees you again." He said as he rubbed his eyes.

"What do you think?"

"What do I think about what?" He asked.

"Do you think I should go?"

He took a deep breath and sat up, then he crossed his legs and positioned himself more comfortably. When Zayn does that, you know he's about to give you some advice.

"Well, sorry to say it but that's up to you. It's completely up to you, because whatever you decide...Harry is going to be upset. If you don't go, Harry is going to blame himself. If you do go, Harry will miss you. Honestly, I think that missing someone is better than feeling guilt and pressure for a whole year. So if you aren't doing it for yourself, make your decision for Harry." He says.

I nod and look back at the bathroom door that is now open. Clearly, Harry already went to bed. Poor baby, he has been through so much.

"Well, I think I'm going to head to bed buddy. I've got a long day tomorrow, and I have to meet Ayesha again." Zayn says as his eyes light up.

"Oh yeah, I forgot about that. I wish you the best of luck." I say. Zayn pats me on the back and winks as he walks out of the living room.

You know, it's crazy. It's crazy how I barely even knew Zayn. It's crazy how I barely even talked to him, and now he's giving me the best advice anyone could ever give.

I am completely and utterly thankful for him, and for all of this.

I am so thankful for Zayn, and you know why? Because I would've never met Harry if it wasn't for him. If it wasn't for that dumb group chat, then none of this ever would've happened.

That reminds me..

**New Message from Group Chat** (your welcome)

Niall: Hi!!!! How is everyone? We haven't spoken in forever😣

Liam: We just spoke yesterday..

Niall: so...I have big feelings.

Liam: Clearly..

Tommo: Hey guys.

Liam: Hey Buddy! Where is everyone? Most is everyone?

Tommo: Zayn went to bed, and so did Harry. And Liam I don't know what to do.

Niall: why? What's going on?

Liam: honestly, go. Just go Louis, after all it's a once in a lifetime chance and it's not like you'll never see him again

Niall: see who again? What's going on!!!!!

Tommo: I know, I just don't want him to be hurt. I'm going, but we only have two days..

Niall: I'm third wheeling here..

Liam: well Niall, you don't exactly live near us..

Niall: ouch.

Liam: sorry :)

Tommo: thanks for the help..

Liam: just try to stay positive, I know it's hard but you can do it. I love you buddy, and it'll all work out.

Tommo: thanks Liam, love ya too.

Niall: I love me too guys...:(

Liam: Omg goodnight Niall..

You know? I shouldn't spend my time thinking about Harry is going to feel. Tomorrow is the last day I have with him, and I'm going to make it the best...

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