Chapter 18- Birthday planning..

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Hello guys! Let's just get straight into the story shall we!

As soon as date was over, I couldn't stop thinking about him. He took me home because we lived in the same building, so it was obviously a convenience for him. It was nice though, I couldn't stop blushing. Something inside of me just wanted to kiss him again.

He dropped me off by my apartment and he walked to his own which was strangely down the hall. I blushed as I got out my key to open the door.

Zayn should be asleep by now, it was fairly late. But nope, he was awake. In fact, he was well awake.

I walked in the door only to hear a strange noise coming from the bedroom. Trust me, I didn't want to know what was going on as much as the next guy.

I plugged my ears and ran straight through the living room and up the stairs only to find Zayn's door locked.

"Zayn! I'm home! Stop what your doing because I would like to get some sleep tonight!" I laughed as I knocked on the door.

Then the noises fell silent and it was peaceful again. I walked down to my end of the hall and heard Zayn's door open.

And sure enough, Ayesha walks out in only her underwear and sprints towards the door.

"Bye Ayesha!" I call after her as I laugh my ass off.

"Bye Harry!" She yells shutting the front door behind her.

"Well that's embarrassing." I hear Zayn mumble as he walks out in only his boxers.

"You think that's embarrassing, wait until security sees her." I laugh.

Zayn just well his eyes and yawned. He looked like a puppy when he yawned, it was the cutest thing ever.

"Well, how was your date with Louis. And I'm still shook about this whole thing." Zayn says rubbing his eyes.

"Well it was actually amazing." I giggle and blush.

"Okay, I don't need to know all of the gross details about you and Mr Texting Buddy." Zayn jokes.

I nod and tell him goodnight as we both walk to our bedrooms. I shut the door quietly and strip down until I'm left in nothing but my socks. Don't judge me.

My eyes shutter and I'm almost asleep, then my phone starts ringing.

I wonder who it could be...

"Hello?" I say in my most groggy voice.

"Hello sexy." A raspy voice says on the other end.

"What do you want Louis. Don't you know what time it is?"

"Yes I'm well aware. I forgot to ask you what you wanted for your birthday, it's only two days away you know."

"I'm aware. Honestly whatever you get me should be fine Lou. We aren't officially together, so you don't have to buy me anything if you don't want." I say.

"Ouch. That hurt." Louis jokes.

"Sorry, I didn't mean-"

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