Chapter 66-Drunk and Alone

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Be prepared for this chapter. It's'll see ;)

Do we really have to go to this tonight?" I asked as I buckled my belt.

Zayn had dragged me by my arm into the car just a moment ago. It was cold outside, so I really wasn't looking forward to this.

Besides, I haven't been to a club since that night.

*A couple months ago*

As soon as I walk in, I'm greeted by aromas of beer and sex. Yes, sex has a smell.

People were having it in private, in public, on the floor, even on tables. It was quite a scene. People were dancing on the dance floor and many others were drinking by the bar.

"I'm going to go get someone's number. You, go get a drink." Zayn demanded.

I wasn't that big of a drinker, but I guess one couldn't hurt...


One turned into three..


Three turned into six..


And pretty soon I was grinding against some stranger who was quite handsome. The stranger was buff and had black hair with dark eyes. He was wearing a leather jacket and was even taller than me, which was surprising.

My mind was blowing up with thoughts. I had millions of them, but one thing never crossed my mind that whole night...Jack.

The stranger and I stay attached at the hip until I notice that he's trying for something more.

"You-uh, wan-wanna get awayy from heree?" He asked slurring his words.

"I-I don't thinkk m' supposed to." I giggled as he smiled at me.

"Who says that?" He smirked.

"My f-friend."

"Well, I don't see him anywhere.." he said before kissing my neck slowly.

"I'm right here arsehole!" A voice from behind him shouted.


We picked up Liam first, and waved goodbye to my sister Gemma. Something told me that she didn't like seeing Liam leave. Maybe it was because she thought he would leave her? I don't know, but I could tell it scared her.

"Are you coming in?" Zayn asked as he undid his seat belt.

We must have arrived at the club while I was thinking because I didn't realize how fast the we arrived there.

The same smell, the same appearance, and the same people all filled my presence as I walked into the club that night. It was amazing how one simple club could bring back so many memories.

Zayn walked ahead of Liam and I, and we followed him into the dancing area. I looked at my phone and it was almost eleven, which meant people would be passing out by midnight.

"Oh, Liam look!" Zayn shouted as he grabbed Liam's jacket.

Liam and I glanced over in Zayn's direction, and we saw a girl grinding on another girl. Not that there is anything wrong with it, I just didn't find it amusing as Liam and Zayn did.

While they stood there drooling over the make out session, I made my way to the bar to order a drink.

I decided that if I was going to have any fun that night, I might as well be a little drunk to enjoy it.

As I walked up to the bartender, I was greeted by many dancers. One of them bumped into me and yelled at me for spilling their drink, another one grabbed my hips and I pulled away, and the other ones gave me a dirty look. I was lucky to make it to the bar before someone tried to do something dumb.

"Rough night?" The bartender asked me as he leaned across the table.

"You could say that." I laughed.

"We all have those, but sometimes without a rough night..our lives would be pretty boring." He smirked.

He winked at me before handing me a glass. He had dirty blonde hair, and was very buff. He had piercing green eyes, but they weren't cold. They were inviting, but settle at the same time. I don't know what it was, his eyes just fascinated me.

"So what will you have?" He asked kindly.

"Anything, just pour me anything." I sighed.

He looked at me and cocked an eyebrow before handing me a green bottle.

"What is this?" I laughed.

"Absinthe. It's very good, but a little strong. You should try it, I think you'll like it."

I nodded at him and looked at the glass bottle. It's crazy how this bottle can make someone lose their shit in 10 minutes. That why I decided to take it lightly.

I took one drink of the bottle and let the bittersweet taste run down my throat.

I liked the taste, so I took another drink.

And another..

And another..

And pretty soon I was on my second bottle.


The room was beginning to spin as I lied the bottle on the counter.

"Hey buddy, did you come with anyone or do you need a cab?" The friendly bartender asked.

"M' friends-s are h-here." I slurred, "m gonna find t-them."

I quickly got out of my chair and adjusted my view on the club. Everything was spinning, everything.

I couldn't remember much but apparently I was looking for Zayn and Liam. I stumbled to he bathrooms, but they weren't there. I stumbled to the private rooms, and they weren't there.

Maybe they went outside to get some fresh air, I thought.

I made my way to the exit as I stumbled and tripped over my own two feet. My mind was boggling and I was only thinking about getting home.

As I stumbled out onto the sidewalk, I shouted for Liam and Zayn. I probably sounded like a complete maniac considering how drunk I was, but I didn't care. I wanted to go home, and my ride was nowhere to be seen.

Suddenly my head started to hurt, and my throats started to clench up.  I put my hands on my head and continued to stumble everywhere.

I must've taken a couple steps toward the street because as soon as I hit the curb, I heard nothing but the sound of a car horn and a crying Zayn before my world went black.

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