Chapter 52- Please dont leave me..

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Oh My God! I received 2k reads last night! I love you all so much and I don't deserve it. I'm not over exaggerating about loving you, I'm being fucking serious. <3


I walked into the bathroom as Zayn was just leaving. Before he completely passed me, he shot me this look. Let me tell you, it was the look of a person who had just murdered someone.

But when I looked inside the bathroom, I completely understood why he looked the way he did. There was my baby, my boyfriend, my cupcake standing there with tear stains on his face.

Honestly, I wanted nothing more than to wrap him up in my arms and squeeze him as hard as I could. I know that he probably wants nothing to do with me, but I can't stand seeing him like this. It hurts my soul.

"I think you need to talk to Harry." Zayn says to me. He pats my shoulder and walks out of the bathroom with Gemma behind him, leaving me and Harry alone.

The only noise was the squeaking of the door as it closed shut. No talking, no mumbling, just silence. Harry ran his fingers through his hair as he wiped his face with his sleeves.

"Harry, please don't be mad at me. I need to explain myself to you." I mumbled to him.

He did not answer me, but he just turned away and stared at himself in the mirror.

I walked up behind him until we were inches apart and I was staring at him. He wasn't looking at me though, he was looking down at the water as it dripped from the faucet.

"Baby, please understand that I don't want to leave you."

"So I was right? You are leaving!" Harry snaps. He turns to face me and pushes me away a little bit.

"Harry, please let me explain. You need to know something-"

"What's to know? I already know that you are leaving for some dumbass company or college, you are going to be gone for God knows how long!" He cries.

And there goes my heart. It literally broke in two, and it was the most painful thing to ever witness.

"Harry, I applied for that college way before we met. They told me that they wouldn't contact me until the two months was up. And apparently that is now. I have played football for as long as I can remember, and I was so excited to finally apply for the college. But if you don't want me to go, then I won't go. Just say the word Harry and I will stay with you." I said.

My heart was racing. I honestly wanted to go to Doncaster, and it's not like it's far far away. It's only two hours. But I won't get to see him for a year because of how busy I will be. Plus he probably doesn't want to explain to his parents why he will be in Doncaster away from them.

"You want to go, don't you?" Harry says wiping his tears.

"Well, of course I do. It's my dream, but it isn't near as close of a dream as you. You are my everything Harry. I will throw all of that away for you, just say it."

"You don't get it, do you? I don't want to be the one who keeps you back from your dream. I want you to be happy Louis, and I will support you on what you decide. But, you don't understand how much you have changed my life. You don't understand how much of an impact you have had on me since the day you messaged me. And frankly, I don't want that to end. I don't want you to go to that college, do football, meet someone else, and forget about me. I just don't want you to leave me." Harry cries.

His long hair is hanging in his face as he wipes the new tears that are falling. I walk up to him and wrap my arms around him as he does the same.

I can feel that I am hurting him, and it's doing a lot more damage then what Jack was giving him. Yes, Jack abused him physically. But I am abusing him mentally, and that isn't right..

"So, you don't want me to go?" I asked as I let go of him and brushed his hair out of his face.

"Yes, I want you to go. I want you to pursue your dream, and live how you want to live. But, I don't want you to leave me. I don't want you to leave my heart, or my mind. So basically what I'm saying is, please don't leave me. Don't leave my heart." He whispers.

"I'd never leave that Harry. That heart, is mine. It's mine forever and always. Please, remember that. I love you Harry Edward Styles." I told him as tears started filling my eyes.

"I love you to Louis William Tomlinson."

Short Chapter! Sorry, but I love you guys <3

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