Chapter 31- A long drive there..

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Hello loves! Hope y'all are having a good day! Thanks for reading!


The next day was hectic. I went home to tell Lottie the news, while Harry stayed back with the bunch.

My question is, how the fuck did they all sleep in that two bedroom apartment together??

Anyway, Lottie was asleep by the time I got home last night so I guess I have to tell her this morning. Fantastic...

I got up as quick as I could and started making her favorite breakfast, bacon and eggs.

I cooked them the way that she liked, and hopefully she'll want to come even though we leave late tonight. I feel like she shouldn't have a problem with it, other than not having a lot of time to pack.

As I was stirring the eggs, I heard her bedroom door open and steps coming down the stairs.

"Shit." I muttered under my breath. I quickly stirred them some more and placed them on a plate all together.

"Louis, why are there bags with clothes in them in the hallway?" Lottie asks as she yawns coming into the kitchen.

"Oh, that's what I need to talk to you about. Here, have some bacon and eggs first." I chuckle nervously as I place the plate in front of her.

She looks up at me cocking her eyebrow and looks down at the plate.

"What did you do to them?" She asks picking up a piece of bacon.

"Nothing! Can I not make my sister a nice breakfast?" I assure.

"Nope. What's going on?" She teases.


I take a deep breath and sip some of my tea.

"Okay, don't get mad. But my friends Liam and Gemma are taking a vacation this weekend. They wanted to know if you and I wanted to come. And I said....yes." I said blocking my arms over my face for whatever hit she was going to give me.

"Okay." She shrugged.

"What? Your okay with it?"

"Yeah, when do we leave?" She asks taking a bite of bacon.


"Well, that barely gives me enough time to pack, but I can manage." She smiles, "Who is all going?"

"You, me, Harry, Gemma, Zayn, Liam, And Ayesha." I say.

"So are we all sharing a room or..."

"No. They booked a hotel, it's Harry and I in one, Liam and Gemma in the other, Ayesha and Zayn in one..and you get your own room." I say intertwining my fingers.

"The fuck? I don't wanna be by myself! Can I like invite one of my friends or something?" She asks as she picks up her phone.


"Jay. She will most likely want to come." Lottie says.

"Okay, Gemma and Liam should be fine with it."

"Yay! I'll let her know!" She squeals before running out of the room.

Damn. This is gonna be one hell of a trip..


Later into the day, everyone was meeting at Harry's house with their bags. Everyone was so hyped up it was unbelievable.

Lottie, Jay, and I were the last ones to arrive. Jay has been Lottie's friend since middle school. It's impossible to break them apart..

We all arrived at his place and walked straight in. Zayn and Ayesha were sitting on the couch with their bags, as well as Liam and Gemma. Harry was wearing the cutest beanie with a floral shirt and black jeans. Damn, I was lucky.

"So who is riding with who?" Zayn asks.

"Well," Gemma explains, "Liam and I kind of payed for a bus."

"A bus?!" Lottie shouts, "This is hella cool!"

"Yeah." So it should be arriving here any moment.

Harry walks up to me as everyone finishes their conversation and bites his lip.

"Well this was a pop up trip, yeah?" He laughs.

"Eh, I'm excited." I stated.

"Why?" He asks cocking an eyebrow.

"Because I have a surprise." I smirk. And trust me, it was a surprise like no other.

Oh, you didn't know? Care for me to explain...

You see, Niall and I had a conversation like this over the phone. I'll show you..

Niall: Dude that's so cool! I wish that I could come with you guys!

Tommo: yeah me too. I'm excited, but im gonna be so bored :(

Niall: why?

Tommo: because Harry and I will be in a car for three hours with two other Girls.

Niall: that won't be so bad! You should tease him a little..

Tommo: what do you mean?

Niall: it's a game. Usually when people are in a car for a couple hours..and they like each other, they play a teasing game. Maybe grab his dick and see how he reacts.

Tommo: what the fuck? Why would I do that?

Niall: cause it would be funny..

Tommo: we will see.

Niall: have fun!

Tommo: ;)

But the thing is..I knew exactly what I was going to do.

Tonight, in the car...I'm gonna play the Teasing game..
This sounds like a fun game right? Lol! Vote and comment Loves!
Damn, I got school tomorrow. Oh whale, wish me luck!

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