Chapter 21- The hangover..

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Hello loves! Please share my story, it would mean the world to me!
Love you!

Do you ever have that feeling, when you wake up in the morning and you feel exhausted? You feel like you haven't slept in days, well that's how I felt this morning.

My eyes shuttered a little bit and finally opened. I was tossing and turning, but I felt something beside me. Something heavy. I looked over to see Louis laying beside me on the couch. We were both covered in blankets as well. I lifted up the blanket, and I was shocked.

Our two naked body's lay beside each other, on Zayn's cousins couch.

What the fuck happened last night? Did we-? No, we couldn't have. Oh please God. Please let this be a dream. Why can't I remember? All I remember is Louis kissing me, and making me turned on. There is no way that I would've let this happen.

Don't get me wrong, I wanted it to. But I'm pissed that I can't remember it.

I quickly jump off the couch startling Louis. I grab my boxers and slide them on fast as I pace around the room. Louis rubs his eyes and sits up covering himself with the blanket.

"What the fuck?" Louis asks. He looks at me wide eyed, and covers himself.

"Did we-"

"I think we did." Louis smirks.

"Louis! This isn't funny! Oh my God, this can't be happening." I panicked.

"Hey, hey, hey." Louis said as he got closer to me.

"Don't touch me!" I shouted.


"No! We couldn't have! I need to remember, how come I don't remember?" I snapped.

"I remember." Louis confessed.

"How the hell do you remember? How come I don't?"

"Your were completely wasted. I was drunk, but it takes a lot to get me completely wasted."

"Well this is just fantastic. How come you didn't stop me? What the fuck is wrong with you!" I snapped. I shouldn't have, but I did.

"I asked you! You said yes, I would never do it without your permission."

"You know what. Fuck this." I said as tears began to form in my eyes.


"No! I need to go, just let me go." I pleaded.

"What the fuck is going on in here?" Gemma asked running towards us.

"Where's Zayn?" I asked.

"He's passed out in the yard. He was naked, so I had to cover the both of him and Ayesha."

"Well get his ass up, we are leaving." I cried.

"Harry, please. Just stop, we can talk about this." Louis pleaded.

"There's nothing to talk about! Just let me calm down, we might talk later. But right now, I need to go."

I picked up my shirt and my clothes, and turned around to face Louis. I could see the hurt in his eyes. I could see how much he wanted to talk to me. I wanted to talk to him to, but not right now. I needed a moment..

Gemma quickly picked up Zayn and we left. We left Louis crying, and Ayesha passed out in the yard. And honestly, I didn't care. I'm pretty sure that Louis will call me later anyway, He always does.



I sit in the couch thinking about last night. I remember how much it pleased me to know that Harry wanted this. He did, so I wasn't forcing him to do anything. So why the fuck was he so mad?

I dried my up coming tears and got off the couch. It looks like everyone has left except Ayesha who is still passed out in the yard. Damn, I feel bad for Zayn's cousin.

There was one thing I needed to do, I needed to call Harry. I needed to make things right with him, because he was the one. He was the one that made me happy when nobody else could.



As soon as Zayn, Gemma, and I got home, we went straight for the ginger ale. We all had bad hangovers, and we didn't even talk.

I know that I just saw Louis, but I missed him. It was weird waking up in his arms, but it felt good. I just wish that I could remember it, I want to remember every detail. It was our first time, and it was completely wasted.

Gemma got the boxes out of the car and took them into the house. I didn't even want to look at the shoes he got me. Don't get me wrong..there amazing, but they remind me of him. I wasn't really ready for that yet.

"So, you want to tell me what happened?" Gemma asked sitting on the couch beside me.

"Where's Zayn?"

"He's in bed. Too much fun for him last night." She laughed.

"Go on." She said crossing her arms.

"Ugh, fine. Remember how we played Truth or Dare last night? Well, after Zayn and Ayesha left, Louis kissed me. It made me feel wonderful. Then it got more intimate, and we ended up on the couch the next morning, naked."

"Wow. Damn, Hazza! You got the dick!" Gemma cheered.

"Gemma! This isn't funny!"

"Right. So what's the big deal?" She asked.

"The big deal, is that he took complete advantage of me. I was drunk!"

"In all fairness, you both were drunk. Plus, you wanted to do it." She stated.

"So! He had no right!"

"Haz, are you sure that your upset because he took advantage of you? Or are you upset because it was good, and you want to remember it?" She said raising an eyebrow.

"Why do you have to be right all the time?" I huffed.

"Because I'm older. And if I were you, I would call him. Because trust me Haz, relationships like that don't come more than once."

She walked out of the room which left me thinking.

Maybe she was right. Maybe I did just want to remember it. After all, if it happened again..I wouldn't be against it.

Damn, I owed someone a very big apology...

How are you guys? How do you think Louis is going to take this? Remember the first chapter though, present time..Louis is in therapy. Keep that in mind :)

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