Chapter 51- Unpredictable

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This chapter is going to be completely in Zayn's POV! Hope you like it!


After Gemma came to get me, I looked back at Louis. He looked pretty pissed off and confused at the same time. I know he was only trying to help, but he made things a little more complicated at this moment.

Yes, he is his boyfriend. But sometimes he just needs to learn that he isn't the only one Harry needs. And this time, Harry needs me.

Gemma led me back to the bathrooms where Harry was waiting. The look on her face told me that she didn't know what she was doing. Most of the time, in the only one who can bring Harry back in to reality.

No, not in a romantic way. I guess I've just always been there for him through everything. He's kind of my shoulder, and I'm his.

But when Gemma opened the door to the bathroom, I knew exactly why her face was as white as a ghost.

There was water all around the floor, I'm guessing from Harry's tears. And Harry was laying there with his hands over his head as he cried some more.

My first instinct was to bend over with him, and wrap him in a hug. That's exactly what I did, I crouched down over his body and wrapped him in my arms.

"No, get away from me." Harry cried.

When Harry is in these panic attacks, he doesn't want to talk to anyone. He just wants to sit in the dark and sob himself to sleep. It kills me to see him like this.

"Harry, come to the car. You need to rest." I said, knowing that when he wakes up..he won't remember any of this.

"No!" He shouts pushing me away from him, "If you put me to sleep, then I won't remember anything! I want to remember, I want to remember."

"Harry, your delusional. Please come with me to the car." I said nervously.

"No Zayn, p-please just let m-me talk to Louis." Harry bawled.

It killed me to see him like this, and I couldn't take it anymore. Something needed to be done.

"Gemma, get Louis." I demanded.

"But, Harry said that he wanted to speak with yo-"

"Get him, now."

Gemma looked at me with tears filling her eyes as she ran out the door.

Harry was backing into the sink by now as he covered his red, puffy eyes.

"Harry, your going to be fine." I whispered to him as I wrapped him in a hug.

"How do you know? How do you know that Louis isn't leaving? What if I never see him again?" He cried as he backed away from me.

"Harry, it will be fine. Please, just listen to me. You have to let Louis talk to you, yeah? Just trust me." I pleaded. I walked closer to Harry and wrapped my arms around him once more.

He was always taller than me, but his hair was short so it was out of my face. But now his hair is way longer than it used to be and it's already down to his shoulders.

"Does your hair always grow this fast?" I chuckled hoping to make him laugh a little bit.

It did.

"I guess." He chuckled.

"There's the laugh that I was missing. It's been a while since I heard it."

"Not really had much things to laugh about tonight." Harry cries.

"Come on Harry, you don't know what's going on. You have to let Louis explain it to you, because I can't."

"So you knew?" He asks me.

Oh shit, that did not mean to come out like that.


"Don't tell me that you knew he was leaving!" He shouts.

I looked at the ground and shook my head. How the hell am I supposed to tell him that Louis is leaving to go play football for Doncaster? How am I supposed to tell him that Harry may not see him for a year?

Exactly, because that's Louis's job.

"Yes Harry, I knew. He told me not to tell anyone, but that doesn't mean that he is leaving for sure." I said.

"Wow, I can't fucking believe this! Where is he leaving anyway? Oh wait, don't tell me. I bet that he's leaving to get away from me right? Right! Because I'm so damn hard to be with. God, I should've known!"

Okay, Harry is officially going overboard. Where the hell is Gemma?

"And if I'm so damn hard to live with, why didn't he just leave me a while ago? But no, you know what else is funny? How he says he loves me, but it turns out he is about to fucking leave me! Predictable Louis..." He shouts.

"Why am I predicable?" A voice asks from behind me. I turn sound to see Louis standing there with Gemma as tears are coming out of his eyes as well.

I look over at Harry and he stopped. Literally, stopped. His mouth dropped open and he just stood there.

I don't understand it, but I think that when your upset or mad about something, seeing someone you love just makes you forget everything.

It's like a switch turns off and your suddenly in rainbows and puppy dogs.

"Louis, you need to talk to Harry." I say as I make my way towards the exit. Louis stands there looking at Harry as Harry turns his head trying to hide his tears.

Yes, maybe they were in love. Maybe they were soulmates. Maybe they needed to be together. But, was it worth all the pain that it was giving them. Was it worth all of the sorrow and the guilt?

Harry loves Louis, he really does. But sometimes it blows my mind to why he fell in love with him. Why him? It could have been anyone, but it had to be him.

So yes, Harry was right.

Louis is very, very unpredictable.

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