Chapter 67-The Light

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Promise me you won't cry! Love you!


Some say that there is a God, some say there isn't. Personally, I don't know what to believe.

They say that when you die, there is an afterlife. That you are judged, by God himself. And I'm guessing that if you had a relationship with him on earth, you deserve to be in heaven. But if not, well then you know what happens.

Well you see, what is an exact relationship with God?

Is it going to church every Sunday? Is it obeying his every law in the Bible? Because if that is the case, then I am doomed to hell. There are so many sins I have committed, you might as well send me there now.

If having a relationship with God means that I have to pray, then there is no relationship at all. I never pray..and it's not that I don't want to, I just never really think about it.

I wouldn't call myself an atheist though. I believe that there is a God.

I'm not scared of ghosts. I'm not scared that ghosts are real in this world.

I am scared that there aren't ghosts. Because if there aren't ghosts, then what is left? Where do we go when we die? See, this part to me makes no sense.

Ghosts don't scare me, but no ghosts..terrifies me.


I heard that when you see your loved ones in the after life, you don't know who they are. You know what they look like..and there names. Just not who they used to be to you on earth. Scary, right?

Maybe I'll see Louis in the after life, maybe I won't. Maybe this whole thing is made up, and the whole world is just a simulation. Maybe I'll see Zayn in the after life, just not Louis.

Honestly, I wouldn't mind that. As long as Louis was happy and healthy. As long as he believes that I did love him once upon a time.

Maybe there isn't a God that is creating our lives, but there is such thing called Destiny. Or shall I say soulmates.

It's impossible for two people to meet and for them to have a special connection without some type of miracle.

'Group Chat' for instance. Zayn taught me to take risks. He taught me to go on the internet and have fun for once in my life. But the internet is the root of all evil, it's a way to get us all thinking.

Group Chat did lead me to Louis, I'll give it that. It showed me that you can find love whenever and wherever, even if it's behind a computer screen.

Group Chat gave me what I thought I'd never have. It gave me the thought of loving someone, for real.

I know I never loved jack, I know that now. And someone, somehow, somewhere saw me and pushed me closer to Louis. Whether it was God, or not. They wanted me to be happy.

I'm glad that I got to spend parts of my life with Louis. I'm glad that I decided to cut Jack out, and bring in someone who actually cared for me.

Maybe that's what I was supposed to do all along, and now I can rest peacefully. I don't know, but I hope it had some meaning.

I'm not scared of death, I'm really not. I'm worried about the people I'm leaving behind. Gemma, my mum, Zayn, Liam, and Louis..

Before I closed my eyes and took my final breath, my last thought was this.

Is this it? Is this the last time I'll ever think, speak, or open my eyes again? Is it my time?

I'll never know, I'll never know if it was my time or not.

Now, I can't promise you that Heaven is real or if it's a lie. But I can promise you this..

When I closed my eyes and shut my brain off, for one..tiny second, I saw something.

I really did...

I saw a bright light.

Don't worry, this isn't the last chapter ;)

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