Chapter 4- The texts keep coming..

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It's me again! Did you guys enjoy last chapter? You guys should leave me a comment in a vote if you want me to do more! I love you guys so much and enjoy this chapter.

No, I didn't bother taking a car. I just started running and running, not knowing where I was going. The wind was blowing the tears right off of my face as soon as they came out of my eyes. My mind was consumed with so many thoughts all at once, and I didn't know what I wanted to think about first.

I don't want to have to face the fact that Jack hit me. He really...hit me.

Know that I shouldn't be protecting him, but he might have had a reason to. After all, I wasn't supposed to be talking to Zayn. But right now, he's the only person I wanted to see.

So that's where I was going, to see Zayn.

Good thing I knew where he lived because if I didn't, then God only knows where I'd end up..

Was trying to focus on the road because cars were zooming around me in every which direction. They honked and they swerved trying to get around me as I stumbled into the streets trying to find my way to Zayn's house.

The more I ran, the more tears that fell out of my eyes. I know that I shouldn't be protecting him, I really shouldn't. But he was all I had. He was my love, my life, my everything. He provided me with so much, and I ran out on him.

There is no way that I could go back, not this time.

BeforeI knew it, I was reaching Zayn's house. I never thought I would be so excited to see that beaten up old house of brick in my life.

I stumbled up his porch stairs and knocked on the door as loud as I could knowing that it was his parents anniversary so they wouldn't be home.

"Zayn open up!" I cried as I banged on the door.

No answer.

"Zayn please! This is important!" I shouted.

This point I didn't care if any of the neighbors heard me. I was so torn up and didn't care what people thought of me at this point.

"What the hell do you want? I'm trying to get my beauty sleep." Zayn yawned and answered the door.

He paused when he saw tears streaming down my face.

"Woah, lad. What happened? Why is your cheek red? Were you crying? Where's Jack?" Zayn asked.

I couldn't form words. I stood there, dumbfounded on his steps, bawling.

"He hit me!" I managed to say as I wrapped him in a hug.

It was a late reaction, but he wrapped his arms around me and drug me inside.

There was always one thing you could count on with Zayn, he would always be there.


After about 30 minutes or so, Zane had sent me on the couch and grab me some tea and blankets. I managed to wipe away most of the tears, but some of them were still there. As I took off my jacket, I checked my coat pockets to see if I had brought anything with me. But I didn't, only my phone and car keys. Not my wallet or anything else..

Zane came back with some coffee in his hand and some magazines in the other sitting down on the couch right across from me.

"So, do you want to tell me what happened? If not, it's okay." He said. And I appreciated the thought in him.

"Just as I said, he- he hit me." I stuttered.

"I got that part. But why?"

"He saw the messages. The messages between me and you. I told you Zayn, I told you he didn't want me texting you." I said as my tears started forming up again.

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