xʟviii : Blood

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"I don't know! She just said she walked into the corner here," I touch the counter with my finger tips.

Aaron stood silently analysing the situation. Colby had brought him, which I'm thankful for. I'm so weak I don't think I'd be able to take half of Jasmine's weight, even with Colby's help.

"But how-" Aaron starts but calls his words home. In the midst of Colby trying to talk to Jas, I still sensed his confusion.

"I don't know," was all I could offer his worried expression. "Let's just get her to the hospital," I turn back towards Colby.

"Jasmine, you need to stand up," Colby spells out to Jas, but she shakes her head and shoves his hand off her arm.

"Let's pick her up," he turns to Aaron, who immediately makes his way behind Jas.

"Three, two, one..." Colby counts down, and as a result of their joint effort, Jas now reclines safely in their strong arms.

It's then that I see it. The blood.

It's run down her side, staining her camisole in it's path. Ironically, I pale at the sight.

Was it even possible to slice yourself open on the corner of a marble countertop?

Perhaps so.

My mind resurfaces from my slight trance and I follow hurriedly after the boys. When I catch up, they seem to be coping just fine, so I run ahead and hail the elevator.

"Oh my god, what's happening out-" a foreign female voice hushes from somewhere behind Colby and Aaron.

Well, not so foreign when I register who's voice it was.


As they're just about to reach the elevator, Colby looks behind him unknowingly. His head whips back around rather quickly, his eyes finding my face.

My organs knot when I realise what an absolute hassle this is for Colby at such an absurd hour of the night.

It's okay, he mouths silently somehow reading my unvoiced worries.

"Everyone's fine, please go back to sleep," it was Aaron who addressed Lauren's appearance. I saw her eyes flick back over to Colby one last time before she sunk back into her apartment. My guess was that Aaron didn't know about Colby and Lauren.

The elevator shuts and delivers us to the ground floor, where we get out and move quickly to Colby's black car.

"You're going to be okay," I tell Jas, as she lets out yet another painful groan.

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