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I slowed my steps as I reached the Pack house.My breaths coming short because of all the exertion I had put my body through.

The similar sight didn't help in calming my nerves.Until and unless I see Ma alright and in good health with my own eyes, I won't be able to rest in peace.

I marched inside the decorated house.The whole house was in an uproar.People still busy in preparing for the big party that was about to happen.Putting their last touches for the ceremony.Readying everything.

I didn't stop and carried on in my search.I passed people who had stopped to look at the intruder.They didn't matter.No one tried to stop me and I continued on.

Ma wasn't inside.Where is she then..?

A sudden movement on my right caught my attention.Alpha Zed.I saw him tense as someone relayed something in his ears.With out any further ado he was running out the door ,not heeding his wife's call.

An instinct inside forced me to follow him as if knowing that's where I 'll find her.

Out of nowhere a hand snatched my arm and halted my progress towards the back door.I looked at the body attached to the hand.

"Who invited you..?" A furious scowl marring her perfect beauty.Ravine.

I jerked my hand back out of her hold.There were matters more important to deal with than her.Ma.Where are you..?I was getting really worried.Did she know about it all.?Did someone tell her something..?Where could she go..?

I tried to ignore Ravine but maybe she wasn't impressed by my tactics.Grabbing a hold of my unbound hair she stopped me again.I flinched and paused.

I had enough.

Staring at her with nothing but pure hatred in my eyes I uttered two simple words."Leave me."

She jerked feeling the fear she had not expected.I retained the hard look in my eyes not letting them stray away.I knew when her eyes widened that my eyes were shining red.Her grip loosened and I got away quickly.Turning back to her I stared her down until her eyes looked away.She was uneasy by this new change.I could see it in her eyes.In her demeanor.

And I couldn't care less about her.Right now Ma was my only priority.

I raced outside and continued on till the Great Hall.I frowned as I saw Alpha Zed there along with some of the Elders and other Patrolling officers in a heated discussion.


Something told me loud and clear.

That's when I started running,not registering anything or anyone.I let my feet take me.They know Ma is here.

I took a few steps towards the main door when two people blocked my entry.I looked at them with confusion.Why are they stopping me.?

"You should not be here.No one is allowed to enter.Alpha's orders." One of the two men said.I recognized them.They were the warriors who are supposed to guard the boundaries and are called upon when a fight with other clans or something frightening happens that need only the strongest of the men present.

I was usually scared of them.They were trained to kill without any mercy , skilled in many war forms.Strangely today I didn't feel anything.There was someone inside that was calling for me .I had to go inside and no one was stopping me today.

"I-I have to go inside.Please just let me go through." I said in a trembling voice.If Ma is inside  I have to be there as well.

"We are under orders.We can't let anyone go inside." The same one from before replied with pity in his eyes.

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