Chapter 1

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Taking a flight back home, this is a very rare occasion where Ananya had ideal time. Maybe most of us don't really get moments like that. We are always playing some role. Being somebody's somebody. A daughter, a mother, a sister, a professional. There are times we are playing ourselves. But looking back at all this makes me realise how different is our interaction with each person is. Suddenly her entire plays like a movie.

How? Let's have a look back.

Let's start by introducing Ananya. To put it across, she didn't have a peculiar personality. The most special thing about her is that she is normal. She is one of us. She is someone you always find around you but you may miss to notice her. But you also know that she is always there. There for her friends, there for her family. She is just there. As for Ananya her family and friends are the most important people in her life. She is also a very big fan of Rehan Kundra...Yes Rehan Kundra.

You could call him the most handsome actor in the movie industry, he was somehow destined to be in front of the camera. From a lineage of movie stars, he was the next one to display stories through characters. Even after coming from such a privileged environment, he made sure not only his genes and good looks sell but also his passion. He was adorable, tall, fair, cute, bright eyed guy. And truly to clarify for her, love only exists when it comes from Rehan. She doesn't believe in love. It was just a waste of time, money and energy. She never understood why people have such stupid misconceptions towards love. There are so many things you can love. Why do you want a guy unnecessary to be a burden in your life? Do you think that there is something incomplete in you that suddenly some boy out of somewhere will come and complete. Utter bullshit. But yes remember this doesn't apply to Rehan. He is someone to whom all the exceptions of her life apply to. Whether be his movies or interviews she watches them all, not just because she loves him but because she feels that he is a complete package of good looks, passion and hard work. His approach towards his love for his passion makes her a fan in its real meaning.

This is that time that she had just joined office.

Yes she is finally working.

Few months had passed and she was busy with office and also that she had not seen a Rehan Kundra film. No it's not that she was too busy or something. It's just that he knew that she was busy and so he had no releases in around these 6 months. Or maybe he is too busy with his alleged girlfriend Katherine. A firang.

Suddenly a day in office she got a call from her college friend Sanya. Sanya! Sanya is Ananya's best friend. Although they were not too much in contact now but always make it a point to speak at least once every fortnight for like 3 hours.

It was an invitation from her to go for a concert of an international band that had visited the city, in which she was genuinely not interested. Sanya forced her a lot. And as mentioned earlier her friends and family were her life, so she had to listen to Sanya.

Dressed in a blue jeans and white t-shirt she was ready to meet Sanya at her residence and then head towards the venue. Ananya knew she would take a lot of time to get ready. So by that time lets know more about Sanya. This girl is style queen. You could call her the fashionista. In 20 minutes she will ask you 120 times how her hair is looking. But friends are supposed to weird.

Ananya waited for more than an hour for her to get ready. Meanwhile she was joined by Sarah, another great friend. A lively and confident girl. Always happy and the most important trait is her love for food. She loves food to no limits. Being around her always makes Ananya feels that life itself has life. Let life live. By the time our fashionista was getting ready Ananya and Sarah munched in few French fries and watched an episode of 'Friends'. All three of them are great 'Friends' lovers. I mean come on who isn't?

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