Marry Me? (Dean)

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Dean has been acting distant lately and it hurt. But I just pushed it aside and left him alone not wanting to be on the receiving end of one of his verbal attacks. Once he walks into the room I walk out and head to the kitchen not wanting to get in his way. Dean watched her leave and sighed knowing it was his fault that she was walking on egg shells around him but he had to so he wouldn't give anything away to early. He knew that he would have a lot of making up to do after, but he hoped that maybe his surprise would make up for it. I made myself a cup of tea and headed to the practice room pulling out targets and some knives and guns. I hit everyone letting my anger and sadness take over. I cleaned up my mess and put everything away then headed to the main part of the bunker noticing that that lights were all out and there was soft music playing "Dean? Sam?" I called as I grabbed a gun we had hid "guys come on, this isn't funny" I called as I walked into the library seeing Dean on one knee "um" I mumbled as Dean held a hand out to me "Y/n, I have loved you for so many damn years I lost count and having you as my girl has been amazing and I know that I haven't been the best boyfriend in the world but I want to spend the rest of our lives making it up to you,will you marry me?" He asks I blink back tears I nod "Yes." I say walking over to him as he places the ring on my finger kissing me.

Jensen Ackles/ Dean Winchester X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now