Chapter 2

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"Is she alright?" An unknown voice asks.

"I-I don't know," Harry says. I feel the bed move, as a pair of hands develop themselves around my body. And that brings me to open my eyes. And reality.

"Harry," I sob, clutching onto my brothers biceps.

"Holy shit! Are you alright?" I look up to see a guy with black and red hair. "That was a stupid question. Fuck," the strange boy continues.

"Michael, shut up," Harry says. The boy, Michael, mumbles a "Sorry."

"Come on, you haven't eaten in awhile," Harry smiles standing up. He lends me a hand and we walk to the kitchen together, Michael trailing behind us. Harry makes me sit at the table and Michael takes a seat beside me. I look down as Niall and another boy with brunette hair, walk in.

"Hey there," Niall says sitting on the other side of me. "Get me something as well Haz?"

"No get it yourself," Harry says rolling his eyes at the Irishman. I chuckle softly at the pair, before getting up and walking over to the fridge. Harry glances at me before opening his mouth. I raise my eyebrow at him, before he sighs and turns his attention back to whatever he is making. I grab a bottle of water and I walk over so I'm leaning on the counter next to Harry.

"That's my bottle," he says bumping his hip against mine. I shrug my shoulders, taking the cap off and bringing the bottle to my lips. Everyone seems to be acting weird. Like, Harry is. Niall is. And Niall and I have gotten on so well, almost as if we were dating. But now, he hasn't said anything to me. It's almost as if Harry has said something. It's like they are making sure I won't break down at any time, I won't. Unless I'm alone. I will not break down in front of Harry and Niall, never. I feel a pair of eyes on me. I look up to see Michael staring at me. I take the bottle away from my lips, seeing as I kept it there. "Why are you staring at me?" I ask him. His eyes widen as I catch him. His cheeks heat up a little, but he doesn't turn away.

"Is there something on my face?" I question. He shakes his head. The boy who walked in with Niall, chuckles. I turn to the brunette boy and raise an eyebrow.

"I'm Ashton!" The boy says fixing his hair up that has fallen in front of his face. "Niall here forgot to introduce me," he pats Niall on the back.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I saw Harry making something and I completely forgot," Niall says. "Georgia, this is Ashton. Ashton this is Georgia." I shake my head as Harry, Ashton and Michael laugh at him.

"Sit," Harry says to me, plating up whatever he made. I glance at the plate to see a pile of sandwiches.

"I can't eat all that Harry!" I exclaim, sitting in-between Niall and Michael.

"You can and you will with Niall and everyone else's help." Niall grins at Harry and me before taking two sandwiches. Harry then sits across from me and grabs a sandwich. I grab a sandwich and bite into it. Niall and I moan at the same time. I glance over at Michael who is shifting and has wide eyes. Harry stops mid-bite with wide eyes also. Ashton, he's laughing. "This is bloody fantastic!" I tell Harry.

"Harry! This is the best you've ever made these!!!" Niall exclaims.

"Why thank you!" Harry says winking at us both, causing us to giggle. Michael and Ashton then go in to grab a piece as well and telling Harry how good it is.

"Georgia... Can I ask you a question?" Harry asks after a moment of silence. I look up and nod.

"H-how long has it been since you've eaten?"

"Excuse me? Do you think he didn't feed me? Is that why you made so many of these?" I ask.

"No-well yes- but Georgia don't get mad please! I was just asking a question!" Harry says.

"Well you shouldn't! Of course he fed me! What did you think? He locked me in a -"

"Georgia..." A hand is placed on my shoulder and I look at Niall.

"Breathe love," he tells me. I nod and look at my lap. Breathe in and out.

In and out.

In and out.

In and out.

"I-I think I'm going to lie down. Niall? Can I use your bed?" I ask turning to Niall. The blonde boy nods and I thank him before grabbing another slice, then heading to what I think is Niall's room.

I pull the cover back and get his bed. I sigh as I feel my head hit the pillow. Harry is being a dick. He shouldn't be worrying like that. Of course Daniel fed me! He didn't lock me up in a room or anything. Before Harry came, I ate three meals a day! I still do, and still will. So he just needs to settle down.

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