Chapter 55

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"Michael?" I yell. A too familiar dark chuckle erupts from behind me. I turn around but I don't see anyone or anything. Not even a shadow.

"He isn't here to save you this time"

"D-Daniel" I whimper.

"Good girl" I hear him whisper. "Stand still" I feel my body go stiff.

No! Move! Run! I yell myself.

Why can't I move? Why aren't I running away? What is happening to me? I want to cry, I want to scream and cry but I can't. What is happening?

"I love you like this" Daniel walks in front of me. He looks me up and down before smirking at me. I want to look away but I can't. It's like I'm frozen.

"W-Why can't I move?"

"Well... Darling that's a good question" Daniel says. "Maybe it's because for once in your fucking life you are listening to me? Hmm..?"

"C-Can I please move?" I whimper.

"Let me think? No, because you will run off and I can't have that now can I?" Daniel chuckles. "Walk to the bed" I feel my feet move along the floor and Daniel chuckling behind me. Why am I walking towards the bed? "Face me" I turn around. Daniel brings a hand up, "Don't make a sound tonight baby unless I say no"

He slaps me and I don't cry, whimper, and scream. "Wake the fuck up!" He yells slapping me again. I fall back onto the bed, but Daniel crawls onto me of, slapping me once again.

"Georgia! Wake up!"

My eyes open and I push the body on top of me away. I scurry to the side of the bed against the wall, pulling my knees up to my chest and wrapping my arms around them. I drop my head and breathe. I can't make a noise. He will slap me again. I-I can't.

"Georgia?" I hear someone whisper. That doesn't sound like Daniel. I slowly lift my head. "Oh Georgia" it's Michael. He reaches forward and I whimper.

"I won't hurt you"

"I-I can't make a noise"


"He will hurt me"

"Georgia you are scaring me. Stop" Michael touches my shoulders and I scream.

"No! No!" I yell.



*Michael's POV*

"She had a bad dream" I say tightening my arms around her fragile body. I hear Georgia sigh, dropping her head back down onto my chest. Ashton nods and soon leaves the room with a worried Shonny. She will be asking questions tomorrow.

"What happened babe?" I softly ask, running a hand through her hair. What did Daniel do?

"H-he told me to like stay still and when he touched- touched my cheek I couldn't run or scream" Georgia explains. That bastard.

"Hey he isn't here so he won't do that okay?" I say kissing the top of her head. She snuggles into me. "Go to sleep. I'm not going anywhere"



"Let her sleep" I sigh to the girls. They all pout as I shoo them out of the room. I look at Georgia who is currently cuddled up in the blankets. She had a nightmare... About Daniel. Someone gets out of jail and now Daniel is in her thoughts. I don't like it. It's not like I'm jealous or anything, I'm worried for her health and our baby's. I sigh, sitting on the couch and reaching for the remote. I turn the TV and of course the news is on. Of course they are talking about this runaway person.

"We haven't been given any identification of this runaway man. The police are still chasing the man at this current moment. This morning they released a statement. The screen flicks to a couple of police men.

"At this given moment, we are not allowed to give you any information about this man. What we will tell you is that this is being taken care of as we speak. We have located him into a house just a few hours away from California. We have surrounded the house, waiting for movement. So far there has been none. We are not sure what or who he is looking for but we will make sure that he won't get to them" The officer says. It flicks back to the news reporter.

"Stay tuned throughout the day for more updates on this chase" I sigh changing the channel.

"What if it's Daniel?" I jump turning around to face Georgia. I shake my head and motion for her to come sit beside me. Georgia paddles over to me and plops down onto the couch. "It's not" I mumble reaching out and taking a strand of her hair between my fingers. Georgia smiles at me before looking at the ground.

"B-But what if it is? What if he is coming back after me? I mean, I can't-" She places a hand on her stomach.

"I won't let him anywhere near you or my baby" I smile placing my hand over hers.

I hope to god that isn't Daniel the police are chasing...


Sorry it's short, I promise it'll get better!! 5 Chapters left!!

Vote, comment and follow!! <3

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