Chapter 4

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Hi guys! I'm thinking of updating every week maybe? Cause if I update everyday, I'll have to write quicker. And that's kind of hard when I have assignments and exams coming up. So please be patient? Thank you!! Xx <3

How are you liking it so far? What boy do you think Georgia will end up with? One of the 1D boys? Or one of the 5sos boys? Comment below your thoughts maybe??


*Michael's POV*

"Is she alright now?" I hear Louis ask.

"Yeah. She's fine. She's still asleep though. We talked for a bit after you left. She told me what happened..." Harry replies.

Are they talking about Georgia? I hope she's alright, I mean, I don't even know what happened to her. I hope it wasn't anything too serious.

I like her.... Maybe. But I know absolutely nothing about the girl! All I know is that she's been in some kind of situation and she's Harry's sister.

But the moment when Harry walked though the door with Georgia in his arms, my heart broke. I should of looked away as the 1D lads went up to them, but I couldn't. I just couldn't. I saw that she had a bit of bruising along her jaw. And I saw some on her arms.

At that sight, I just wanted to get up and take her into my arms. Hold her close, and not let anything happen to her. I felt the need to kiss her and tell her everything would be alright. But in reality, I couldn't so I stayed on the couch.

Whoever did that to such a beautiful girl, will pay. I'll make sure of it. The person that put their hands on her will fucking die. No man or women should ever do that to another human being! No one.

I get up and walk to my room. I should get myself together. Just like Harry said, "No dating my sister or having feelings for her."

I flop onto the bed and sigh. I roll over and groan into the pillow. Thoughts of Georgia flooding my mind.

"Um... Sorry. I thought this was someone else's room." My head lifts from the pillow and my gaze shifts to Georgia standing at the doorway.

"No it's alright." I smile. I then notice the strange look on her face. "Did you wanna talk?" She looks hesitant at my question before nodding and making her way into the room.

"You know you didn't have to if you didn't wanna," I tell her. She looks up at me and shakes her head.

"No, I do," she smiles. But I can tell that she's faking that smile.

"Your probably wondering what I'm doing here? Like staying here with you guys?" She asks. I shrug.

"It's none of my business. You don't have to tell me if you don't want to," I tell her. I hear her sigh before she lays down. My body freezes as she lays onto my legs.

"No, I kind of have to tell someone. Can't have everything bottled up should I?" She looks up at me and I nod.

I watch her as she closes her eyes. Her hands are clasped together on her lower stomach. I watch as her hands clench tightly.

"You really don't have to tell-"

"I was abused."


*Georgia's POV*

"You really don't have to tell-"

"I was abused," I blurt out. He's silent.

I've scared him away. He's going to treat me just like Harry and Niall. I thought Michael wouldn't do that. From what I've noticed, he isn't that kind of person. I was really hoping for a good friendship in the future. Maybe even something more.

"What? How- how can someone do that to you?" He asks running his hands through my knotted hair.

"Who did that?" Michael asks. I sit up beside him and shrug.

"You don't have to feel sorry for me to make me feel any better," I point out, "You don't have to treat me any different like Niall and Harry."

"No, stop! Why would I fake sympathy? Why would I treat you any different either? Just because you were abused doesn't mean anyone should treat you any different Georgia," Michael says. I swear my heart just warmed up. Harry has never said anything to me like that. Ever. Michael needs to stop talking. He's just making me one step closer to falling for him, and I don't want to get attached to him. Not right now at least.

I feel the tears threatening to spill. I look away from Michael, so he doesn't have to watch me cry for the billionth time in the last 48 hours.

"Hey, hey stop crying," I hear him whisper before I feel the bed move, indicating he's moving closer to me.

"Fuck, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you,"

I feel Michael get up off the bed to sit beside me. Then a pair of lips are against my temple and a pair of strong arms are around my fragile body.

He's hugging me.

I haven't been hugged like this for ages. He treats me as if I'm not broken, just as if I told him his grandmother died and he needs comfort. I feel the tears fall down my cheeks as I turn around and hug him back.

"It's alright. Breathe," Michael mummers in my ear. I nod wrapping my arms around the boy who is sitting here and comforting me. I bury my head into his neck, smelling his heavenly scent, slightly minty and fresh.

We sit in that position for what seems to be like ages. "I-I'm sorry," I mumble wiping away tears as I pull back.

"It's alright. Honestly, if you ever need to talk. Come to me, I'll listen," Michael smiles at me, leaning forward to wipe his thumb under my left eye.

"I-I should go and shower," I mumble. Michael nods in understanding crinkling his nose a little. I get up off the soft bed and walk to the door. I pause, looking back at Michael, before shaking my head and going to the bathroom to freshen up.

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