Chapter 58

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"Okay so let me get this straight, you spent the day in the studio listening to songs he wrote when you guys broke up?" Kirsty asks. I nod.

"Pretty much"

"So you didn't do anything..." Shonny asks. I blush as my eyes widen.

"No!" The girls laugh at me.

"Well you were in a studio alone..." Shonny says. I roll my eyes at them. Why would they think Michael and I had sex... In a studio? Can't believe they would think that!

"So are they going to be on the album?" Ashleigh asks. I nod.

"Yeah some of them on the one only for the U.S. or something I'm not sure. But all of them are"


"Luke helped write one. It's actually a really good song!"

"Serious? Which one?" Ashleigh asks.

"I'm not telling you!" I smirk.

"Not telling her what?" Luke walks into the room along with the rest of the boys.

"What song you guys wrote" Ashleigh pouts.

"Well your- wait how do you know?" Luke turns to me.

"I took her to the studio yesterday" Michael buts in, shrugging his shoulders.

"Right" Luke gives him the same look just as the girls had.

"They didn't!" Shonny says. I blush again as Michael looks at me confused then looks at her. I don't look at her but instead hear Michael groan.

"Serious Shonny?" She laughs and Michael walks over and sits besides me. He drapes an arm around my shoulder and sighs. I look at him, wrapping my arms around his torso and hugging him back.

"How was rehearsal?" I ask.

"Boring" Michael sighs. I chuckle.

"Really?" I watch Michael nod.

"It's not like we don't wanna or need to practice, it's just our manager reckons we do and I'm so tired"

"Well we can go to sleep earlier?" I suggest.

"Sounds nice" Michael kisses my temple.



"I won't forget you, but I may...
Forget your name

My lady
I know what you're thinking
When the bass starts ringing
Can you tell me when you're stoked to start?
Are you ready for tonight,
Setting it on fire
And we'll dance until we're dumb in the dark"

"Is that seriously your ringtone?" Michael asks from beside me.

"Yes it is, now shut up it's dad" Michael laughs as I answer the phone.

"Hey dad"

"Hey sweaty, jus checking in on you and the baby and tha boy" Dad says. I chuckle.

"And by baby you mean Michael?" I smirk.

"HEY!" Michael yells from beside me. I hear dad laugh on the other line.

"Speaking of the baby, when's your next appointment?" My dad asks.

"In a couple of weeks, but since we are leaving place to place. Harry and Michael have decided, without my consent mind you dad, that a doctor should accompany us on tour" Dad chuckles.

"I think that is a very good idea"

"So does mum" I grumble. MIchael smirks at me, I roll my eyes turning away from him.

"Where are you now?" Dad asks.

"No idea" I laugh. Dad laughs along with me. "I think it's LA?" I turn to Michael who nods.

"That's nice darling, come visit when you are in Australia"

"I will dad"

"Well I got to go now, so keep me updated-"

"Updated and if somethig happens call you. Yeah, yeah dad, already got that from mum"

"Right sorry. Love you bye" and then he hangs the phone up. I sigh bringing my phone away from my ear and putting it in my lap. Michael looks up from his laptop and smiles at me. I smile back.

"What are you doing?" I ask getting up and sitting beside him. "Another song?" Michael nods.

"Called 'Greenlight'. Wrote it ages ago, finally recorded it and now they have just sent us the recording. Want to listen?" I nod.

"Yes!" Michael laughs. "What? I like hearing new music from you" I nudge his shoulder. Michael nods and wraps an arm around my waist.

"Here we go" Michael mumbles pressing play.

"It started with a picture,
Those messages you sent to me.
You're like the perfect mixture
Of Megan Fox and Katy P.

It's such a sick obsession,
And now you've got the best of me.
I've got the worst intentions,
So call me over and set me free.

I can give you what you want.

It's taking me over.
I don't wanna play this game no more.
All you gotta do is tell me right now,
You want me right now, come on.
Give me the green light.
We could have all night
If you just say the word.
Tell me it's alright.
Give me the green light.

You got me where you want me,
I'm hanging on your every word.
It's such a twisted story,
How you got me,
Now you got me.

So let me give you what you need.

It's taking me over.
I don't wanna play this game no more.
All you gotta do is tell me right now,
You want me right now, come on.
Give me the green light.
We could have all night
If you just say the word.
Tell me it's alright.
Give me the green light.

So let me give you what you need.

It's taking me over.
I don't wanna play this game no more.
All you gotta do is tell me right now,

You want me right now, come on.
Give me the green light.
We could have all night
If you just say the word.
Tell me it's alright.
Give me the green light"

"That's really good Michael"I gush. "Probably my favourite song now"

"I thought it was Voodoo Doll?" I shrug.

"I can have more than one favourite song"

"I suppose..." I laugh and lean my head on Michael's shoulder.

"Let's see what is happening on Twitter" Michael mumbles, opeing Twitter on his laptop. I watch as Michael scrolls through his notifications. There are a heap, mostly fans just trying to get a follow. He stops and reads some and they are truly beautiful messages. They ask how is his day, how I am, how the band is going. Then he comes across some that are not only rude to the band, but him as well.

In this world, there are going to be people that don't like you. I have always been told to get over it, because as long as you love your life the way you want to it shouldn't matter what other people think. People are always going to have their say on something, whether it be a tv show, a movie or music. Haters are all around us, and that's what makes society a dreadful place to be in. It's shocking what people can come up with.

But my personal favourite hating tactic is when you comment on a music video or just a video blog on YouTube and you say how much you hate the person or the singer. If you don't like the singer or person, why are you watching it in the first place? You're only making them more famous by commenting and viewing the video.

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