Chapter 29

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Sorry for the late update! I've just had a lot on since school started and the. There is the fact I had no idea what to write.

So it's this chapter is shit, I'm sorry. I just make these up as I go so I have no idea where I'm going with this but I have a goal so... Fingers crossed I can get there lol.

Thank you! Over 600 reads!!! But by the time I upload this chapter, it'll be more :O

Wow! If any of you guys are paying people or blackmailing people to read my book, stop lol. Anyway!!! On with the chapter!!!


"So when can I leave doctor?"

"In the next couple of days because you are actually showing a lot of improvement" The doctor tells me.

"So that's means I can go with Michael?"

"Well it depends, you are going to need to rest and not move your body much for around for about 6 or so weeks."

"Wow." I mumble.

"So she has to stay here?" Mum asks.

"Well yes. Only if she has someone who will be looking after her for when she is walking around and stuff like that, I think if your comfortable with it, she can leave."

Mum nods and the doctor then leaves. I stay silent. Is mum going to let me go with Michael? Where is Michael too? When I went to sleep he was there, but when I woke up mum was here. Quite weird actually when you've been waking up to Michael's face the last couple of mornings, and today it's mum's face I wake up to.

"Where's Michael?"

"Oh! I sent him home for a shower and to rest, I tried to call him before but he must be asleep" Mum smiles.

"Can I try calling?" I ask reaching my hand out. Mum sighs and hands me her phone. I dial Michael's number and I wait.


"Hi Michael!"

"Oh hi!" He does sound like he just woke up.

"Did I wake you? Shit.. Sorry."

"No. No you didn't."

"You sure?"

"Yep. Has the doctor been?"

"Yeah, he left just before."

"What did he say?"

"He said I can leave but I have to have someone with me when I walk and stuff because of my rib I think. That's only if mum will let me though, cause he said I have to have her permission first."

"Do you think she is going to say yes?"

"I don't know?" I sigh.

"Well I'm going to get a cab, then I'll be there alright? Love you bye."

"Love you too." And then we hang up. I hand the phone back to mum.

"Your not going to let me go with them are you mum?"

"Honestly, I'm not sure" Mum sighs.

"Do you not trust Michael?"

"I do! I do trust the boy sweet, but I just don't want to loose you again."

"You won't. We can call whenever, text, Skype and visit each other."

"I know Michael will take good care of you so I guess you can go. But I need updates from the both of you."

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