Chapter 50

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Okay, so I was thinking of doing one of those update schedule's. So I thought I might update once a week and if I miss that week it'll be a double update. I figured this might be easier seeing as I'm busy all the time and with a set date I'll be able to get it done. So every Saturday (Australia time seeing as I have no idea if you are all from the same place!) I will upload a chapter.

Sorry for the long authors note, but I'll carry on with the chapter now :). Thank you for reading this book again, and sorry if it is getting shitting. I am seriously running out of ideas. So if you have any, DM me or comment any and I'll mention you at the start- blah blah.

Enjoy! <3


"Georgia!! Wake up!!" I groan, pulling the sheets over my face. "It's midday and you have a date with Michael tonight!"

"Let me sleep" I groan. The sheets get taken off my body and I have no choice but to open my eyes.

"Goodmorning" Ashleigh smirks. I roll my eyes looking for either Kirsty or Shonny. "Now get up, Kirsty has planned out your outfit for tonight and Shonny was on make-up duty and I was to get you up, showered, fed before we do any of that. Now come on, do you want to eat first or shower?"

"Eat" She smiles and I follow her out.

"Where is everyone?"

"Last day of rehearsal"

"Doesn't that mean working late?" I ask worried as I sit on a chair.

"Yes, so I've got Luke and them to sort MIchael out"

"Thank you" I sigh.

An hour later I'm sitting with the girls in my bathroom as they fuss over me. My date with Michael isn't until later tonight, and I'm sure as hell don't need this much effort put into it. I mean, it's just dinner right? Michael wouldn't do much, but the way the girls are geting me ready I feel like maybe he is planning something big.

"Why are you girls fussing over this so much?" I ask. The girls stop talking and look at me.

"Because you haven't been on a date with Michael in forever" Kirsty replies. What will Michael be wearing? Why are the girls making a big deal about me not going on a date with Michael in forever? I mean, we spend everyday with each other... I don't think either of us care if we go on a date or not.

"Yeah, you don't wanna look like you just got up" Shonny chuckles. I roll my eyes.

"I'm sure he won't mind guys" I say softly.

"Yeah, but your pregnant. And soon you won't be fitting into half your clothes- oh which reminds me, we will have to go shopping soon for some bigger clothes" Shonny rambles on.

"Why? Cause I'll be getting fatter?" I frown.

"What! No! Why would you think that! Your not getting fatter! It'll be your baby growing!" Ashleigh pokes me stomach. I roll my eyes and smile at them.

"Keep going then" I sigh. The girls cheer before getting back to what they are doing.

*Michael's POV*

"The girls are getting Georgia ready" Luke says sliding his phone back into his pocket.

"Just like your getting me ready?" I groan.

"Yes! You need to look hot for her tonight. Your going to propose!" Ashton says.

"And I am sure she wouldn't give a shit if I wore socks and jocks when I propose" I roll my eyes.

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