Chapter 25

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Double update!! Your welcome!!


*Michael's POV*

Anne seemed in a hurry to get back home. Maybe Daniel is there and he was hiding because we were there? Or he wasn't there at all. I haven't had a chance to ask Ashton if he heard or saw anything because he literally fell on the bed and went to sleep. Lazy shit.

I sigh opening my phone and going onto twitter. I've been ignoring all the boys asking where Ashton and I are... Harry should know.. I told him what happened and he didn't believe me. My phone vibrates and it's a text from Shonny. I don't remember getting her number.

From Shonny: Where is Ashton ?

To Shonny: Asleep.

From Shonny: Okay then. Where are you? Cause I know you aren't at the hotel..

To Shonny: Is that where you are? Shit.

From Shonny: Yeah I am.

To Shonny: We are in Chesire. You could come??

From Shonny: Why?

To Shonny: Georgia is in danger I think..

From Shonny: Be there later. Text me where you are please?

I sigh lying down on the couch. I move so I'm laying on my back with an arm on my stomach and my other over my eyes. I hope to god Shonny gets here soon. Maybe she could go and pretend to visit Georgia and then she can report back to us and tell us if that guy is there.

"What's up man?" I jump at Ashton's voice. I lower my arm and jump again as Ashton is standing over me.

"Shit man! You scared me!" Ashton chuckles. "Shonny should be here tonight" I add.


"Yeah she was at the hotel but we are missing," I chuckle "So she texted me because you weren't replying cause you were snoring mate."

"I do not snore!"

"Sure" I snicker.

"Is there any other reason she is coming?"

"I'm not going to think like that. God no!!"

"What? No Michael! Not like that!" Ashton says.

"Oh... Well I was thinking she could go to the Styles house and see if Georgia is there..."

"Are you using my girlfriend?"

"Yeah- well no. She'd want to do that once I tell her what I think is going on. I mean, her own goddamn brother didn't give a fuck. Maybe her best friend will" I say. Ashton sighs and nods.

"Yeah maybe. So you recon she will be here tonight?"

"Hope so" I nod.



Shonny is here. She has been for an hour. I was made to leave the hotel. So now I am wondering the streets of Chesire, hoping to god I don't get lost and my phone doesn't die. I should have put it on charge. I should have, but I honestly didn't Ashton would kick me out of the hotel room that is under my name. So technically I could kick him out if I wanted.

I walk into a little cafe a block of so from the hotel. I sit down at a table in the back, picking up the menu and scanning over the food. I sigh, I don't even want to eat. I can't eat without thinking about Georgia. Is Daniel letting her eat? Has he touched her? Is she fine?

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