Back To The Grind With A Surprise

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   You and Jensen made it back to Austin with two more weeks to relax before heading back to Vancouver. You spent the weeks with Family and time in the pool. Jared, Gen and the boys were in Vancouver because Jared had to work while you and Jensen were on your honeymoon. Jensen had spent a few early mornings with Matt to check on the building of the Brewery. They were hoping to be open in early January. Jensen looked so happy to be making one of his biggest dreams into a reality. You were very proud of both him and Matt.

But, the weeks came and went. You and Jensen were landing your Jet at the Vancouver airport to start filming tomorrow. Jared and Gen were meeting you at the airport to take you to your house, then theirs for dinner. They wanted to hear all about the honeymoon.

"Gen! Jared!" You cheer seeing them both leaning against the SUV with Cliff and Ryan. Walking down the steps of the jet and after thanking Henry, you run into Gen's open arms. "I missed you, sista." Gen says, holding you close. "I missed you too!" You say and squeeze her tight before letting go. "Hey, don't I get some of this love?" You hear Jared say behind you and you laugh. "Of course, Mr. Moose. Get over here." He smiles and wraps you into one of his legendary bear hugs. "Cliff, Ryan. Good to see you guys!" You say as you let Jared go and give Cliff and Ryan hugs. "Good to see you too, (Y/n)." Ryan says and moves your bags into the SUV. "Well, my mom is watching the boys at our house right now, holding dinner, I say we head home now and retrieve her of our two crazy little boys." Gen says and you each laugh, moving into the SUV.

Instead of driving to yours and Jensen's house first, Ryan was going to drop your bags off after dropping the four of you off at Jared's and Gen's. Pulling up to the front door, Jensen gets the door for you and Gen. "The Boys are gonna be so excited to see you. I've been telling them all day that two special guests were coming to dinner tonight." Gen wraps around your arm and leans onto your shoulder. "Good, I love surprising them!" Gen reaches the door and pushes it open. "Hey, Mom. (Y/n) and Jensen are here." Gen says pulling off her shoes, you do the same and move to follow Gen. "(Y/n), you look beautiful. How was the honeymoon?" Gen's mom asks you as she gives you a quick hug. "It was absolutely amazing." You reply. "That great, sweetheart. Can't wait till we start seeing some babies on the way." She says looking at your stomach, causing you to become a bit flushed and awkward. "Mother!" Gen rolls her eyes. "No, it's okay. Jensen and I will be wanting some,"  You say and move around the table to grab a water from the fridge.  "I'm going to go check on the boys. They in their room?" You ask. Gen's mom nods yes and you move up the stairs.

"Tom, lets make a hug castle. With rooms for all of us." Shep says in his cute little voice. "Sure, a room for mommy, daddy, grandma, grandpa, Unca Jensen-" Tom continues but you interrupt him by entering the room. "I hope your aunt (Y/n) gets a room." You smile. "AUNT (Y/N)!" Both Tom and Shep scream and you weren't expecting both boys to jump on you at once. Trying to grab them, you fall backwards onto the floor and whack your head hard on the wood floors. You let our a huff and close your eyes. "Aunt (Y/n), are you okay?" You hear Tom ask you. You nod slightly, feeling a head ache already beginning to pound. Adding to your pounding head, you hear footsteps coming up the stairs and you couldn't bring yourself to move off the floor. "Hey (Y/n), dinner is-" It was Jared. "(Y/n)! What happened?" Jared got to your side and helped you to your feet. Trying to get your balance, you stumble on you feet, grabbing onto Jared's arm. "Just wasn't expecting my two favorite nephews to jump on me like that." You try to laugh, but stop as it only aids to the pounding.

"Boys, you gotta be careful next time, okay?" Jared speaks to his kids. "Yes Daddy." They both reply together. "Good. Its dinner time, so Tom go help your brother wash his hands while I help Aunt (Y/n) down the stairs." They nod and run out of the room. "Jared, I'm fine. I can make it down the stairs myself." You say waving off his help. "Okay, but I'm walking behind you, I know you and your previous head injuries. You get lightheaded easily, just like Gen." Jared laughed but you kept your focus ahead. Staying close to the wall, you move down the stairs very slowly. One step at a time. "Wow, my grandma walks faster than this and she passed away a few years back." Jared laughed and you tried to hit him but he slid around you and moves past your slow figure. "Well, if your kids weren't as crazy as you, then  maybe I wouldn't have this goose egg forming on my head." You say reaching the bottom of the stairs. "A goose- what?" Jensen asks, meeting  you at the stairs.

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