The Reveal

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"(Y/n)! You're pregnant!"  Gen said with a huge grin. "I'm what?! No, no, no. I-I can't be! My period is coming on Monday, I'm not late." You shook your head and wiped your hands down your face. "(Y/n), dear, it's Wednesday. You are three days late." Gen smiled as she squeezed your thigh. As your eyes widened, you scrambled to grab your phone and she was right. It was Wednesday. You were late. "Oh my god. I need to go get a test to be sure." You say and rush out of the trailer bedroom, stumbling as you catch your balance. "I already got you covered," You turned to face Gen. "Got three. For extra precaution!" Gen cheered and you hugged her. "I love you!" You say letting go and grabbing the tests. "I love you too!" She yells and you shut the door and take the three pregnancy tests. After waiting 10 minutes, they were done. "Ready to go see if your pregnant?" Gen said moving into the bathroom. "You go ahead. Scream for me if they are positive." You say. Gen moves into the bathroom and you hear nothing at first. "Gen....are they negative?" You hear a scream that probably shook the trailer. "ALL THREE! ALL THREE ARE POSITIVE! (Y/N) YOU'RE PREGNANT!" Gen says and you have tears in your eyes. "I'm pregnant?" You smile and Gen shows you the tests. "Yes! Baby Ackles is on the way!" She says and wraps her arms around you.

"Looks like you are feeling better?" Jensen said moving into the trailer. Gen quickly stuffs the tests into her bag to hide from Jensen. "Yeah, I am actually. Gen helped me and kept my company. Love her." You say wrapping an arm around her shoulders. "Well, if you're up for it, there are a few more scenes left that you're in to film. Then we can go to dinner, how's that?" Jensen said from the trailer entrance. "Sounds perfect. You gonna wait here Gen?" You ask Gen, moving your body to Jensen. "I'm gonna head over to Jared's trailer for the time being. This weekend I am reserving you all day on Saturday." Gen smiles as the three of you move out of the trailer doors. "You got it." Giving Gen a hug, you interlocked hands with Jensen and moved to the studio lot. "What's got you in such a good mood?" Jensen asked pushing the doors back for you. Leaving him on the edge, you smile and walk towards Bob to get your script for the scene.

The rest of the week and into the next, you kept Jensen on edge. He asked you how you were feeling every moment and wanted to go with you to the doctors with you on Thursday. You had to tell Jensen that you were going to gynecologist, which wasn't a lie, you just said your period was acting strange so you needed to talk with her instead of telling him the real reason. After you had said 'period problems' it shut him up.

You had one scene the morning off the doctors appointment and just hung around set for the rest of the day. Jensen and Jared were doing scenes off the studio lot today so the left early morning. Just as you take a sip of your tea, small knock rack on your trailer door. "Come in." You announce. "Hey girly, you ready to go make baby Ackles official?" Gen says, pushing her shoulder bag higher on her shoulder. "I've been waiting for this since last week!" You say with excitement and kick your blanket off your legs and dump your tea in the small sink. Locking your trailer you meet Ryan at the front of the studio lot. Although David had not made an appearance in what seemed like forever, something told you that he actually gave up, but Jensen knew he was still out there and wanted you protected. But you didn't mind having Ryan around at times, he had become a close friend of yours. Ryan didn't have to cart you around all the time, it depended on the situation. You with almost always with Jensen, Jared, Gen, and Misha so you were heavily watched over. "Heading to your appointment?" Ryan asked moving away from his buddies. "Yep, tell Jensen that I'll be out with Gen for a bit and to head over to Gen and Jared's for dinner if he asks." Ryan nods to you and Gen and you move to the car.


"Okay, just a warning that this will be a little cold." Your doctor, Dr. Stefanski, told you with a smile. She put the gel on the hand monitor and moved it below your gown. Sucking in a harsh breath from the chill sent through your body, Gen grabbed your hand and smiled at you. You moved your gaze from Gen to the doctor who had a smile forming on her face. "You ready to see your baby mama?" She said and tears began to form in your eyes. Without having any words to say, you nodded your head and she turned the monitor towards. "Small but here's your baby. You are over 5 weeks pregnant, 6 tomorrow it looks like from the blood work we took. Would you like a picture to show Dad?" She asked and you replied. "Yes, Please. Thank you so much." You shook your doctors hand and she moved out of the room. "GEN! I'M PREGNANT!" You yelled and you both screamed, engulfing each other in hugs. "I'm so happy. Jensen is going to be so surprised and I can't wait to see his face!" Gen grabbed your clothes and you change fast. "I was going to wait this weekend to tell him but I can't wait. I have a great idea but we got to stop a few placed before we go to your place." You smiled and Gen nodded. Grabbing the pictures from Dr. Stefanski, and also a note to start your prenatal vitamins, you and Gen headed on your way to plan the surprise for Jensen.

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