Making The Little Moments Count

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"Shh, you gotta be quiet..."

Beeps filled your ears. Slowly breaking free of your hazy mind, your senses began to regain control.

"But Daddy, its funny...."

You weren't in any pain, just exhausted. Your body was drained. It had taken so much stress in the past weeks, it felt nice just to lay down and get some peace.

"But Momma is sleeping...."

As you were mustering the strength to open your eyes, you heard the voices of your daughter and husband. You would've woken up by now, but just hearing them together made you want cry from the pure innocence of the pair.

"But one more time, please daddy?"

You let out a light giggle and squint your eyes just a smidge to see what your little JJ was begging her Daddy to do so badly. She definitely has him wrapped around her little finger.

"Fine, one more time Baby."

You opened your eyes a bit more now to see lift JJ up and twirl her around in his arms. Her giggles filled the room and Jensen's smile couldn't have been any wider.

"Now, this is a sight I like to wake up to." You open your eyes all the way and Jensen sets JJ down for her to run up to you. Correction, Jensen's smile did get wider. "Momma! You're awake!" JJ crawls onto the bed, with the help of Jensen. "Be careful J-bird,
Momma's still recovering." Jensen leans down and captures your lips with his own.

He leans up to admire your beautiful eyes, swiping a few strands of hair to the side to plant a sweet kiss on your forehead. "You're both safe. My girls are safe again." Jensen whispered as he stroked the back of JJ's head.

"Ah, good to see you awake Mrs. Ackles. I'm Doctor Pidanick, I've been monitoring you since you came in last night." She smiled and moved into the room to set my chart in place. "Everything good with me? With the babies?" You rub your hand over you belly, getting nervous from whatever she may say. Jensen notices, he always notices. He placed his hand over yours and he gave your a reassuring nod.

Everything was gonna be okay.

"Everything is great. You will have that bruise on your cheek for a few days or so, but you are in good health and your little babies are thriving. You've got some strong bones in you." The doctor smiled and moved of out the room to give you your much needed family time together.

"Everything's okay. Good, everything is A-okay." You closed your eyes and planted a kiss on top of JJ's head as her body was still on top of your with her head on your chest. You snuggled her close as you felt tears being to trickle from your eyes.

"Baby, why the tears? Everything's gonna okay. We have out beautiful daughter back. Our babies are healthy and almost ready to enter the world. All of our family is at home waiting for the call that you woke up so they can set up a little party for you. And no more bad happenings are going to be thrown at us. We've gone through hell and back so, so many times. But, today... today marks our first day of freedom. Our first day where we don't have to look over our shoulder all day. Where we don't have to be scared to do anything. Its you and me against the world. It's all over." You let Jensen wipe away your tears and you smile sweetly at your husband.

"And that's exactly why I'm crying. Its all over. Forever." You lean back but not without moving over so Jensen could move into the bed with you. Good thing it was a bigger bed, because you were all not going to fit if it was any smaller. Jensen wrapped his arms around you and your head rested perfectly onto his chest. You listened to his steady heart beat and slow breathing. It did however lull you to sleep and soon the entire Ackles family was asleep together. 

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